The possibility of detained immigrants living on military bases in the southwest has sparked wide and heated debate among the military community. The opinions range from military spouses offering to teach English to these temporary residents to ones suggesting that those entering illegally should be immediately returned to their countries of origin.
According to Department of Defense statements, DoD have been asked to provide up to 12,000 beds on military bases for detained immigrants.
“The Department of Defense has received a request for assistance from the Department of Homeland Security to house and care for an alien family population of up to 12,000 people. DHS requests that DoD identify any available facilities that could be used for that purpose,” the Pentagon said in a statement.
DoD is preparing to receive up to 2,000 immigrants before September 2018. Possible locations and housing arrangements are being scouted now by military leaders. Secretary of Defense James Mattis has identified Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo and Fort Bliss in El Paso as locations available to house unaccompanied immigrant minors.
Possible additional locations in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California are also being considered.
Facebook Post Sparks Debate Among Military Spouses
Many military spouses commented on a Facebook post from Military Spouse magazine stating that military bases might soon be used to house detained immigrants. Approximately 70 comments were made on the original post. However, this Facebook post has been shared at least 18 times from that first post alone.
One military spouse referenced the words on the Statue of Liberty, from the poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus.
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Many Facebook comments made by military spouses shared a similar mentality.
Several commenters shared specific ways that they would be willing to help, from housing immigrants personally to providing respite child care for immigrant parents or teaching ESL in the temporary housing facilities.
Counter-arguments suggested that people considering immigrating to the United States to stay in their own countries. Some stated that those seeking asylum should not cross U.S. borders without proper authorization and paperwork.
According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services department, those seeking asylum must be physically present in the United States at the time of their application. In order to be considered for humanitarian asylum, applicants need to cross over a U.S. border or arrive at a port of entry.
Commenters also suggested that those entering “illegally” or seeking asylum should be immediately returned to their countries of origin.
Will Housing Detained Immigrants on Military Bases Impact Military Families?
Lots of individuals were upset over the possible impacts on military base housing or on-base child care centers.
No mention of placing detained immigrants in military family housing or allowing access to CDCs has been mentioned. Multiple sources state that immigrants will be housed in temporary facilities. Costs incurred by the DoD for providing temporary housing would be reimbursed.
Other comments included references to housing issues faced by veterans and their families, as well as by other Americans facing hard times. Some Facebook commenters suggested that instead of placing immigrants into the temporary shelters, that they instead be used for homeless Americans.
Several individuals raised concerns about security and potential issues. They pointed out that many military facilities are closed, and require a DoD ID card to enter or for non-DoD civilians to be escorted.
They are concerned that immigrants may be accidentally able to pick up confidential information and disseminate it to possible threats to the base or the U.S. military.
All indications from previous reports are that detained immigrants would be housed in temporary shelters separate from military facilities and family housing.
Many commenting threads became heated and insults were exchanged from individuals on both sides of the issue.
Dozens of commenters reflected that, based on some comments, they were disappointed with the reaction in the military spouse community.
Others found hope in the empathy of their peers.
Many found kindred spirits who agreed on common points of view.
Susie Schwartz, the wife of retired Air Force General Norton Schwartz and a vice president at Military Spouse magazine’s publisher Victory Media, chimed in with a call for kindness.
“I hope we can all show compassion for each other,” Schwartz wrote in her Facebook comment. “Within our own community and with others.”
That sounds way too much like what the US govt. did to Japanese Americans’ during World War Two. It seems too much like a modern day Internment Camp. These illegals’ need to be sent back to their homes of record and told that they need to apply for legal visas to enter the USA. Finally it costs alot of money to care for these people and the US has enough very poor legal citizens’ to care for and do not need to take on the added burden of interned poor that they need to feed, clothe, provide healthcare to and shelter.
No, I would not support this action.
No we do not support this. We have high security at gates of military installations now. Why would we put detainees inside this perimeter alongside our military families?
I do not think this is a good ideal. Why are we letting these illegal people on our secure bases. First, they came to this country illegally, and now we are housing and feeding them. We have veterans living on the street and need and shelter and they cannot get a free bed to sleep. We should not be wasting a dime on people who are breaking our laws and want free stuff from us that are working and serving the Military.
I DO NOT SUPPORT this, waist of taxpayer money and military assets. SEND THEM BACK, now no questions ask!!
Paul S
NO NO NO!!! This is not something that any military installation should have to deal with,. Let the stinking Democrats take them to their states without Federal Funds! Send them all back to where they came from. They entered our country ILLEGALLY!
illegal immigrants are considered to have engaged in a crime by not going to a regular point of entry.
No, I don’t agree with this. It does not fall within the parameters of the military. If we are looking for a “dump site” for immigrants; then look for prison type settings. Or just ship their butts back where they came from.
I don’t think this is a good idea. We are put through a maze of barriers just to go on and off base as security but people who broke our laws to get into this country should not be allowed on base. Temporary shelters are appropriate. Immigration should be fair for the ones who do it legally.
We have veterans who need help.
This is a good Idea. It should have been going on all along instead of having them roaming all around the country unsupervised.
No, I do not support this. Illegal immigrants should not be housed on military bases, it’s a security risk, a huge cost, and a slap in the face to military members already facing budget cuts and base facilities closing, DOD would be covering the cost of this, military bases already struggle with funds and budget cuts. Active duty military families can’t even get housing on military bases, some bases have 18 month wait lists! Illegal immigrants are being put above American citizens and that is wrong. I am all for being open and welcoming to the needy, the poor, the immigrant, and there are shelters and services on every corner of every city for each of those categories. I support immigration to America, LEGALLY! I have friends at this moment who are immigrating to the US, legally, via green card, student visas, a sanctuary fleeing religious persecution, etc. All came here legally, all have my undying support. Come here legally and you will get my support and my compassion, come here illegally and you won’t. This is not a compassion issue, this is a legal issue. America has laws to protect it’s people, if you want to live in this great land, follow the laws.
There is no way they can be housed without potential threat to base security. This was already proven when illegals managed to infiltrate a base in 2005 and occupy MULTIPLE houses for an extended period becauae they were slated for demo. Also I agree with those who adk how is it we can “find” money for this but not for those who actually served on those bases they are now banned from.
Its good to see the military spouses are so quick and eager to spend taxpayer money, to support illegal aliens.
What happens after they house them, provide medical care, food, clothing? When they are released and turned loose on the American public. Maybe they should be sponsored by the military spouses and have the spouses guarantee their support for 10 years. Let them put their money where their ideas are.
I don’t see anything here that identifies anyone as a spouse or military member. Sounds like you have a dislike for military spouses.
first take care of Homeless family here in USA then Homeless Veterans
I think they should apply to come to this country not just hop over the fence. I am not against people coming to America only that we should know for our own physical security who is entering and it should be by application. Any other people should be returned to their country of origin where they should apply. If I want citizenship in Australia I am required to have a degree that is in demand. I don’t think our requirements should be super stringent but no criminal background is a start. Knowing who is entering is a must. Identification is a must.
I am a firm believer that all immigrants should enter this country legally and I do not think that military bases should be used to house them.
I wish out military was used to help people on our own continent. These people are forced to “run for their lives” because of the brutal regimes that are taking over their homelands. Military would be better used taking care of the problem at the source of it. Until then we will see a stream of people trying to escape and looking for a better life for their families. Our ancestors all did the same. It’s a Catch 22 that they must be on American soil to ask for assilum. When they get to the border they have been through unknown atrocities, traveled many miles,, and everything is foreign to them in America. They are in survival mode looking for the basic necessities of life. For us to treat them like criminals is wrong. They are scared enough trying to hold onto their sanity and find some comfort. We are a mighty military and have the capability to nip this in the bud so it does not have to reach this perplexity where masses are running to American soil. Until then we must show humanity. One thing though that was hardest during my years In the military was changing bases alone with my children and never having a years wait to get into military housing. This caused me to make many wrong housing decisions that caused heartache and stress during those years. Housing these people should not make situations worse for families with new assignments.
No! Not because I am an non compassionate person, but because the risk and dangers to those working/living on base would be threatened. Anyone doing work for DOD has to have a COMPLETE background check before they are issued an ID to go on base, military and their dependents have to have ID’s to enter the base, and visitors of said individuals have to be “Sponsored” by the military person or dependent with proper ID! So, allowing illegal (mind the word) immigrants on our military bases is asking for more problems!
I left a comment earlier and wish to follow up and read other responses. I did not check boxes when I sent my comment because I did not see them until after I sent it. Could you lease link this msg with that one Thank you
They have broken the law deport them.
I believe that if there is space to be used it should be used for homeless veterans and their families, we owe it to our brothers and sisters who gave to our country. Then next we need to take care of all our other unfortunate and homeless. I feel we don’t have the funds or means to keep taking care of everyone around the world and neglect our own. A parent isn’t taking care of their child here gets busted for neglect, this country should too for not rightly taking care of our own first! Especially our veterans!
No I do not support this kind of housing for any human beings
I support housing immigrant “families” on military installations …. for a time while their paperwork is being processed.
No, I don’t support this.
Absolutely not! We don’t know where they are coming from it would be too easy for ISIS to infiltrate our military bases!!!
I absolutely do not support housing illegal immigrants on military bases! Does the word ILLEGAL mean anything? They should be returned to their country immediately, not kept here.
put them in any democrats house, keep bases for military use only. service people are not care givers for foreign felons keep our bases clean.
To Whom it may concern
I am not for putting immigrants on military bases.That is a breath in security.Let me explain we wonder how people know things.This is how they do by letting them in.The military bases is for military affiliated only.
Build the wall and enforce the border so immigrants have to come through a controlled crossing. Then process them in accordance with current laws. Betting no military facilities would be needed.
Military bases shouldn’t house immigrants. They need a military ID and they haven’t served in the military. Why house people coming into our country illegally. Take care of our military and veterans first.
This is such a hard topic. I am a huge believer that if people come here to better their situation they should do it legally. Many all just want to provide for their families. I dont feel they should be able to intermix with the Military families but if the space is available….maybe its not a bad idea. They are human beings not animals. They are some of the hardest workers. Im against separating families. Since they are here and as long as they aspire to becomes citizens, why not help them get that process started. This is the land of the free and we treat these people so horribly because they want to provide for their families. Are there bad seeds? Yes. Take a look around. There are more bad seeds in your states than illegal immigrants.
no send them to beverly hills san fran ., calif. then we can keep track i hope . cause calif. is so organized
Under no circumstances should this happen. Illegal is illegal and should be deported . American citizens cannot even access military installations without proper identification. Out military should not be a haven for illegals.
No I do no support this! I cannot believe that this would even be considered!! SMH
Please send updates
Absolutly not ! They are here illegally-send them home !
This is a difficult decision to have to make because of why we have to make it at all. If it can be done securely and safely I guess I say do it. I repeat, the big problem is that why we have to make it at all. trump’s disastrous programs are putting us all in harm’s way. We need to get him out of position of power. He is a danger to us all. Get out and vote in November to take back our government and put it back in the hands of the people.
I do not support this
there are too many empty buildings all over the US and other places that could accommodate these people
these people should be housed by the government and the people guarding them (detainees) should be paid government people not use military bases or military personnel to guard them
As a military retiree, I do not believe that illegal immigrants should be housed in or near our military personnel.
Absolutely not. Use those facilities for housing homeless veterans. They have earned that right, not immigrants.
What is happening with the parents and children in my opinion is such a disgrace!
We’re better than this…….
What’s the main mission of the U. S. military? To defend the nation from all dangers, foreign and domestic. Yes, our bases have an obligation and the capacity to TEMPORARILY “house” (incarcerate) ILLEGAL immigrants if necessary in the defense of our borders. On the other hand, WHY? They should immediately be sent back across the border in the first place.
I’m against it. Lower rankiing military who can really use base housing have a hard time getting in and now you want to give it to illegals who should not be on a military base. NO WAY!
I severed for over 21 years as an Active member and completed volunteer time long enough to also retire as a volunteer with the same branch. Our duty was to serve mankind – to support mankind – and to help those requesting our protection. I saw enough Hattians, Cubans, Mexican, South Americans, and Vietnamese, being treated inhumanly because of our different cultural beliefs yet when we turn around and allow those asking for help to be executed because “they” are different who do we serve. If it is a different God that Trump believes in I want nothing to do with it
against… separate them into a confined area away from military families, and military training areas.
They need to be returned to their own country. There are so many dependents that need help why are they not helped??
Please come to the USA legally! I am a second generation American. Both sets of my grandparents came into this country legally from Czechoslovakia and Hungary in the 1900s. Before my grandfathers arrived they had to have sponsors and a job. In a year or two later their young spouses came over. Both of my grandfathers became American citizens, I recently found one of the tests they used to study to get their citizenship. If they could do it, so can others. I believe that most of the people crossing the Southern borders are looking or nothing more than jobs, not truly seeking asylum. I also have a problem with people crossing the border and having a child the minute they cross the border. It does happen that way, I know because I have a friend that is a nurse and works in a border town hospital. That has got to stop…having a baby here and being declared an American citizen. They are not! This costs the tax payer too much. Money we could be using to help our citizesn.
The military has done it several times. When we received thousands of people from Vietnam and the Cuban boat people. There is alot of security required feeding them and medical care. It is a drain on the military and their budget. If the military foots the bill it could cause lots of problems
definetly NO Lets take care of our own
I do think it is a bad thing.
Long as it didn’t impact the bases mission I would be fine with it, but somehow I don’t think this is going to happen.