The defense budget is getting slimmer. Spending cuts, in some form, are expected to hit the military this year. Congress is looking at retirement reform, cuts to housing allowances and Tricare prescription fee increases. And don’t forget about the sad proposed pay increase of 1.3 percent.
Combine all this doom and gloom funding discussions with this headline,
“The Pentagon paid 14 NFL teams $5.4 million to ‘salute troops’ ”
and many military families, including myself, are left shaking their heads in disbelief.

The NFL was paid to provide salutes to service members. Do you think this type of advertising is effective for recruiting? Or is it a waste of taxpayer money?
The Pentagon reportedly signed contracts with 14 NFL teams stipulating that teams would be paid sums ranging from $60,000 to $1 million each. These 2011-2012 contracts required professional football teams to pause before kick-off and to salute the city’s “hometown heroes.”
What I thought was a kind gesture for our men and women in uniform was basically one giant recruiting poster.
But these patriotic promotions may be prohibited in the future. Arizona Sen. John McCain, along with fellow Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal presented legislation that would “stop NFL teams from receiving recruiting or advertising money from the Defense Department to honor American soldiers at games.” This amendment also encourages teams “to donate profits from these efforts to charitable organizations that support members of the U.S. military, veterans and their families.”
“Our amendment would put an end to that shameful practice and ask the NFL to return those profits to charities supporting our troops, veterans and their families,” McCain said on the Senate floor.
Related: America’s Support for the Troops is Lip Service
In response, the National Guard and the NFL has defended this relationship. A statement from the NFL said that McCain’s proposed amendment paints a “distorted picture.”
“This amendment paints a completely distorted picture of the relationship between NFL teams and our military. We agree that no one should be paid to honor our troops. Military spending on recruiting efforts should not be confused with programs that support our nation’s active military and veterans,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a written statement.

Army Maj. Gen. Roger Mathews, U.S. Army Pacific deputy commander, looks on during the ceremonial coin toss at the 2012 NFL Pro Bowl game at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii. (U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Michael R. Holzworth)
But then there’s this:
“What makes these expenditures all the more troubling is that at the same time the Guard was spending millions on pro sports advertising, it was also running out of money for critical training for our troops,” McCain said.
Wait, what?
McCain said that in 2014, the National Guard “was facing a shortfall of more than $100 million in the account used to pay its soldiers and potential delays in training.” It should also be noted that last year, the Guard discontinued its sponsorship of NASCAR after spending $88 million over 2 years.
For a complete list of teams that received money to salute the military, click here.
That money should be spent on training our troops, not paying NFL teams to ‘falsely’ support them. That is not support…that is paying them for a job. Instead, use that money to properly train our troops for the jobs they need to do! Sad when many battalions can’t afford paper products and training tools, but we can afford to hand NFL teams big bucks to show false support to our troops. Don’t those NFL teams make enough money?! Give some of that money back to our soldiers. They deserve and need it, more!
I was upset when I read this article. I was going to leave a long comment, but after reading the comment from Trisha Chamberlain, I thought she expressed my sentiments better than I could have.
I agree, that money belongs to our soldiers and veterans, and our families, together we can end this bad
practice, we deserve that money, we need it more!!!
I don’t think it’s right. Cutting pay and whatnot. they still find money for that.
Stop taking benefit money from the men and women that volunteer to serve. When they retire pay them their due, no veteran should ever be without medical services or homeless. Yes, the BlueAngles doing a flyby at halftime is great but I would rather hear that dogs in shelters are being taken and trained to be given to veterans with PTSD or special needs.
The government should never spend taxpayer money this way
Our troops need all the support they can get, my guess is the NFL not the players promoted and benefited from this promotion. My recommendation is to ask Donald Trump to suppport the troops and he would do it at no cost and call out the NFL on their method of extricating $$ fro the military budget.
I think it’s disgraceful. The government has no business paying for salutes with our tax dollars. That money would be better spent strengthening our military and taking care of our vets. It’s time for true Americans to take a stand and vote for people that represent. TRUMP the USA.
Who allowed this..?? By what authority..?? I thought Congress pulled all the purse strings. or maybe they did
allow this….What a total scam of monies that should go to the troops…Just look how much each and every athlete make a year in salary…Oh well, what can one say with the idiots in the house and senate who can’t even agree to disagree…
Members of the NFL get paid huge salaries and the DOD should not be paying them to salute our troops. That money can be spent on alot of better programs that help our troops and Veterans besides a salute at a major league game. That salute is not real and is all about the money. The money should instead be used to help Wounded Warriors adapt homes for injured veterans, improve bases and barracks, pay for winter coats for homeless and poor veterans and a great many other things besides a fake salute to our troops.
I just lost forever my warm and fuzzy feeling about the “troop tributes” during the professional games……. I really thought it was them doing it for love of the military! This is disturbing. I guess that explains why there are always a few in the team who look disinterested, don’t hide it, and certainly don’t even attempt to participate when the flag is presented for the Pledge of Allegiance. Complete DisRespect!!
Now we find out that they are not only disinterested and disrespectful, but also that they are getting PAID for “performing” troop tributes? These athletes get paid incredible amounts to entertain while our troops (my husband included – 6 tours in Irag and Afghanistan) are out there protecting our land and freedom for peanuts….. missing the day-to-day life at home, and in many cases the birth and childhood of their babies!
Obsurd. Unreal. Ridiculous. Disappointing. Enraging……. I could go on. This is unacceptable!
No way the government should be paying any one to salute our vet. if they can not support our vets with out getting paid then it is better not to but people should know that also.
Recuiting Command has a mission of maintaining the force. For the most part, they do this job and they have a budget (their piece of the pie) to do this. As a retiree and a past recruiter, I feel a great source of pride when I see these “military salutes”. AND SO DO POTENTIAL RECRUITS! It is just one of many budget busters that influence the soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen of tomorrow. Am I to assume that we should also eliminate the “Blue Angels” , the “Thunder Birds” and the “Golden Knights”? That way we could transfer a few more dollars to other endeavors, but we would no longer have a force to fund. I can personally attest to the fact that enlistments always increase after these events take place. You see, the pride we feel as members of the military is also felt by potential enlistees and future ROTC Cadets.
Last time I looked Roger Goodell’s salary hasn’t been cut in years…ditto for the players! Give the $s to the soldier’s programs that can be used for a worthwhile cause and not the eyewash, false pretending of troop support by the NFL!
Absolute bunk!! I am disappointed yet not surprised. We have all seen uncle sam involved in the stupidest pranks over the years and this propaganda *%#@ is just one more of them.
When our honored soldiers are falling due to budget cuts, does this logically make sense? I’m a football fan but no more. Shame to the teams who took the money without guilt.
I just read through the list of the 14 teams and with what those Quarterbacks make, they should donate that money to their area Veteran’s Group. That’s a giant expense the military can’t afford and an advertising sham that should be exposed !
the nfl is a multi billion dollar business and they want us to pay them to honor our troops, this is the biggest joke that I’ve ever heard of!!! they should hang their heads in shame.
My, huband is dying from agent orange he gave the army 22 years VA will not compensate.him.They also send veitnam millons of dollars but my husband has wait for over two years .The Dr just gave him 3 to 6 months ,but he has made it 2 years with prayers. They need to take care our military and our veterans and the familys .
These days these Generals are penny wise & dollar folish and these idiots in Washington (President, Sentate, & Congress)are not better. Who is really going to join the military because the saw an ad on NASCAR or some promotion at an NFL game. That wasn’t the reason that I joined the Air Force in 1977 and these new recruits today aren’t buying this BS either.
The Senate most recently wanted to raid the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) to pay for the reauthorization of the Highway Trust fund. They wanted to reduce the rate of return on the “G” fund to 0.002 percent which would make investments in the “G” fund worthless. (Information taken from the September 2015 issue of NARFE National Active and Retiree Federal Employees Association).
They ruined Social Security for us and now the want to ruin our retirements?
YOU’RE KIDDING ME~~~ Our government actually PAID NFL teams “to show support for our troops”. That’s sad and ridiculous. If these teams can’t do this on their own—it’s shameful. They don’t deserve to be paid to do that!!!
DOD should spend that money on much need medical care for disabled veterans and service members wounded protecting our country. NFL teams, owners, and player already have millions and millions of dollars, in my opinion they should be giving to the service personnel who protect their liberties.
What an absolute waste of money
The Pentagon & DOD seems to be taking money and giving it too the NFL Teams to pay attributes to the men and women who fought for the Freedom’s of this Country is a real kick in the ass to every military person; wether active, retired, reservist or national guardsman who has served this country! The NFL is the biggest and most richest organization in the United States and the Team Owners are still looking for handouts from the U.S. Government! All military members who served this coumtry should Boycott any and all NFL Games maybe this will set a presence in this Country of who we can Trust!
I think the sports organizations should take it upon themselves and support the armed forces without any concern of monetary valve after all they deserve it putting their lives in harms way everyday hhey should show the respect that they should have defending the greatest country in the world
I thank the NfL should be ashamed for taking money to Honor our military.
If this article is really true, no, DoD should not pay…by now everybody knows that all military should be given recognition, and shown respect and gratitude without having to be told or “bought” to do so.
I’m so upset about this I don’t know where to begin.. The military is here to protect the American people and I am very grateful for each branch.. The Pentagon should NOT have paid the NFL to salute the troops, they should have wanted to do that on their own.. After reading the article, I have lost respect for the NFL.. $5.4 million OMG!! and to know that some military and civilian military families are on assistance because of the economy.. Should not have read this story first this in the morning.. Enough said!!!
It would be interesting to see just how many military tributes happened if they weren’t subsidized. And “NO”, I don’t believe this should come out of the military budget; unless it comes from their advertising budget. In that case, I think it’s a better expression than the Madison Avenue hype we see on TV.
What a “sham” and a shame! Most of the military can’t even afford to go to the games! Can’t believe the DOD is putting money into the NFL for something that the NFL should be doing as a free service to our military!
I understand, different departments have different budgets. However, when you spend over 5 million dollars for advertising, that’s RIDICULOUS!! Why couldn’t they negotiate with the NFL to get this for free because it’s not like they’re hurting for money? But why not set up a booth inside the stadiums to recruit? Probably way cheaper. How about the good old fashion way where the recruiters get out there & do the job they’re getting paid to do instead of spending tons of money for 15 minutes of airtime?