Picture this. You’ve just returned from a much-needed (and well-deserved) vacation. The fridge is bare. The pantry is nothing but dusty, empty shelves. You’ve got enough laundry to clothe a small village, a stack of mail the size of the Chrysler building and all you can think is, ” I need a vacation from my vacation.”
As you sit trying to muster up the energy to take care of your suitcase, you glance over at the kitchen and your oldest is standing in front of the refrigerator, doors open, eyeballing a stick of butter. Your spouse is rummaging through kitchen cabinets, mumbling something under his breath about starvation. After several unsuccessful deep drawer raids, he turns, holding up a packet of soy sauce and a bag of crushed cracker bits before declaring the obvious.
“We need to go to the commissary.”
And while a trip to the commissary promises everything you need to keep your family fed, the thought of navigating the aisles and elbowing for position in line sounds about as much fun as a root canal.
If only the commissary offered the option to shop online.
If only you could let your fingers do the walking and send in a list of your must-haves for the week.
If only someone would gather all of the things you need, bag ’em up and have them waiting for you when you got there.
Does such a magical service exist? Could “going to the commissary” ever really be as easy as pulling up to the curb and popping the trunk?

There aren’t definitive start dates for the online ordering program expansion yet, but the idea already has lots of people looking forward to the option.
If DeCA follows through on plans to expand their curbside pick-up services, you might just be in luck.
Currently, the commissary curbside pick-up program, called Click2Go, is only offered at 3 stateside commissaries. But, as part of DeCA’s continuing efforts to keep the commissary system operational and moving toward sustainability, this convenient service may be coming to a commissary near you soon.
Folks at Fort Lee, Offutt Air Force Base and Travis Air Force Base already know the ins and outs of the Click2Go program. Launched in 2013, the original pilot program was only supposed to last for one year. But due in large part to the astounding positive reception, the program was extended at those 3 locations indefinitely.
Initially intended to help encourage shoppers under 35 to use the commissary more often, the program saw success with older shoppers as well, proving convenience really doesn’t have an age limit. Almost all products available in the commissary are available on Click2Go, including items from health and beauty, deli, freezer and meat/seafood departments.
Currently, the program charges no fees, has no minimum purchase requirement and no tip is required for Click2Go employees.
Can you use coupons? You bet. Payment is tendered at pick-up so you can take advantage of both coupons and sale prices.
Better yet, you can shop 24 hours a day and pick from a list of available pick-up times most convenient for you. You can even place an order up to 6 days in advance.
There are no definitive dates on the expansion and there is already talk of charging a small fee for the service (much like at grocery chains across the country), but the idea already has lots of people looking forward to the option.
Just think, in the near future, instead of trying to figure out how to make a meal out of ketchup, stale corn flakes and pickles, you can use that 2-hour layover to place an order, and just swing by the commissary on your way home.
I’d definitely use it if they offered a PeaPod or Amazon.com style shopping experience with groceries actually being shipped to my house.
Yes I would definitely use it. I shop at the one in Charleston
It can’t get here fast enough for me….IF the fee is reasonable.
I would use it. I have 6 kids and I would LOVE this at Ft Benning!!!
I definitely would be interested since I only come to post for meds, a short commitsary trip, and library. Could you special order items that the commissary usually doesn’t carry? I have been looking for Diet Squirt.
I absolutely hate grocery shopping. I would definitely use a curbside program. This would be a godsend.
I would love it because I live about 30 miles away but my Husband works on the base so I could shop and he could pick it up!
I believe we would liked to try it depending on the exact details of how it is going to work.
how weird I commented on this article yesterday. Anyways, I’d use this feature, and without fail – if the service fee was reasonable! Fingers crossed it comes to our area sooner rather than later. SATX
I Surely Would In A Heartbeat! It is so hard for me to go grocery shopping since my husband had his stroke in December. Either have to hire someone to watch him or run to Commissary for just a few things while he is sleeping. I would be your first customer for sure! Hope it comes soon.
Definitely would use it! Spouse is wheelchair bound. Would make it so easy for her to shop have it picked up.
I would love this idea. Please provide this item at Fort Gordon; Georgia.
This service would definitely be of great use to busy moms with little ones, single parents, families with a parent on deployment, working parents, people that work long shifts, and the elderly, That being said, the service would help a wide range of varied backgrounds, it would even encourage people to eat healthier meals and allow families to spend more time together! Please bring this service to all commissaries! It is very much needed!
I am so happy to hear about this. I shop all the time at the commissary and would love to shop online instead.
it would be so convenient to have online shopping online at the commissary. I will use it . This is good news and I hope it comes to JBLM sooner than later.
as a viet nam disabled vet its a real pain to do grocery shopping, for that matter any shopping. if our commissary had this program i would definitely use it on a weekly basis. i know other v.n. vets that live in the area and believe they would also use the service
I have already tried to at Barksdale AFB. I would be able to order possible 6 items and pick up later. I am afraid there is a large group of our population that is being overlooked. The Homebound. My husband has been ill with cancer for over a year and I have turned to Amazon. I could have gone by the Commissary on wat home from doctor, but not enough to do this. Thank you
It sounds like a miracle to me! I would love to use it! I am 64 years old and anything to save me time is worth trying!
Great news……………………
I would definitely use this “wonderful” feature.
I definitely will use this “about time” method of shopping. Another idea would be “deliver to the buyer?. What a great idea!
great idea and its about time.
Yes!!!! This would make life so much easier! You get the Commissary products & prices without the extra time! I would use this over some of the local pick up services!!!! I am very excited!
Most definitely great especially for seniors who can’t get around too long on their feet.
I, most definitely, would be amenable to letting someone else do my shopping!
It would be ideal to have my grocery items delivered straight to my home. But, in lieu of such niceties, I would definitely use this service and pick them up curbside. I am disabled, and the commissaries, especially around military pay days, are indescribably chaotic, especially when the shoppers bring their children.
I do not live military housing. If DeCA did decide to provide delivery services, would an off-post/off-base (even at an addition ‘per mile’ charge) ever be considered?
Also, I live on Oahu, along with other Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard families. Further, sometimes I shop at a DeCA facility; sometimes a DFAS store. Are all commissaries considering this benefit?
I like this idea very much.
The would definitely use! I became disabled after major surgery and can’t shop anymore. This service would be so helpful
The first word should have been I
I woyld totally use it!
Yes, we would use curbside pickup. When is it projected for Tinker Air Force Base?
I’m excited to have this service come to Fort Belvoir. Sounds like a great time saver to me!
I would definitely use curbside! I use my local store instead of the commissary because they have curbside pick up. I’m a disabled veteran, curbside has saved my life!!! Thank you for asking for our input!
Yes! I would switch from sometimes using the commissary to all the time using it. I can have hubby pick it up! This would be a game changer at Ft Campbell!
Sounds GREAT! As long as the prices are 20% less than neighborhood grocery stores.
We will definitely use the one line ordering.
I’ve heard a rumor a couple of years ago while our new commissary was under construction, that this might be a possibility. I’m looking forward to this service, since parking is currently limited and to avoid payday peak times. I will definitely use this service since it’s a good 15 minute drive, unlike my local supermarket that I can walk to, but I prefer using the Commissary because of all the choices and not to mention, cost effective.
I would definitely use it. I would love to have that option here in Pensacola.
As a retired Air Force person living 50 miles from the nearest facility I would definitely use this service even if it cost a fee. After a long drive all I would have to do is pick up my items and then I could spend the saved time using other facilities on base like the Exchange before returning home.
Absolutely I would use it. Will there be a minimum purchase amount to take advantage of this great service?
Jeanne Poff
I would definitely use it. I am presently using the Kroger service. If you got it as good as Kroger, I would switch.
I believe that I would use this benefit.
This is absolutely excellent news…it has my vote !!! I shop at Ft Sam Houston Commissary,so ,asap is my request !!