The Military Religious Freedom Foundation along with 26 families in Okinawa filed a complaint with the Office of Inspector General requesting the removal of the Bible on the POW/MIA table display at the U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa.
In addition to the removal of the Bible, the complaint also requests language about the Bible and the phrase “one nation under God” be eliminated from an accompanying explanatory placard, an investigation into how the book came to be displayed, who authorized it and “appropriate disciplinary measures administered to those responsible.”
The foundation’s complaint was answered by a refusal to remove the Bible citing it was “consistent with Department of the Navy and Department of Defense guidance, as well as the U.S. Constitution.”

Naval Hospital Okinawa may be fighting a losing battle.
Since the inception of the POW/MIA table display, a Bible has always been included to signify the “strength gained through faith to sustain us and those lost from our country, founded as one nation under God.” I applaud the leadership of Naval Hospital Okinawa for holding fast to traditions.
In our world today, it seems traditions are tossed aside the moment someone is offended by its existence with little consideration of the tradition’s origins, true meaning and the beliefs of those who honor them.
That being said, the Naval Hospital may be fighting a losing battle.
For years the Bible has been met with similar opposition resulting in the removal of the book from many displays throughout the United States. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation argues having the Bible as a part of the POW/MIA table display is a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which states the government is forbidden to make a law establishing a national religion and must avoid favoritism or the preference of one religion over another.
Rear Adm. Paul Pearigen, Navy Medicine West Commander was given a compromise by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and their attorney to include “holy books of other religions” in additional to the Bible in the display. At this time there has been no indication whether this option is being considered or has been rejected.
As a lifelong Christian when I first heard of this complaint, I thought “Really?! Atheists seem preoccupied with religion which is ironic since their beliefs are built on the idea that religion and God do not exist.”
After some reflection and time to consider my stance I realized that I have never experienced the rejection of exclusion or the sting of not being represented, so maybe this argument is more about acceptance and less about religion.
In my opinion, including holy books of other religions should be the action taken in this situation.
Over the years our nation has become increasingly divided. It seems people are no longer allowed to express opinions and beliefs without having to constantly defend them. Discussions about religion or politics are now all-out brawls. Disagreements become yelling matches in which people shout over each other, leaving everyone feeling unheard.
I truly believe all humans share the same hopes and dreams.
We all want to live in a country free of hatred and violence.
We all want to raise our children in safe environments where they can grow to become emphatic productive members of society.
We all want to make a reasonable wage which will allow us to provide the basic needs for our families.
We all want the ability to take our aging parents or sick children to receive quality medical care without going bankrupt in the process.
These hopes and dreams should unite us, not divide us.
As Americans, we all share the same basic goals. We just have different ideas on how to achieve them.
The next time someone expresses an opinion or belief contrary to your own, ask them to help you understand their position. This conversation will not change your mind but may provide insight into theirs.
Leave it. Gods word can have a healing effect
This is the original concept and should be left that way. Retain the original wordage.
There is no reason to remove the Bibles. Keep them!
Leave the bible and the wording
Michael Metzger
WE MUST KEEP THE BIBLE AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leave it. I am a female veteran. To all my fellow veterans, Our POW and MIA’ paid the price for freedom.they made the sacrifice to protect and defend our country. This is one of our true and closeness to our Lord and Savior. The ones who are trying to remove it, set down and read and then pass it on. We need to stand up for this one.
I concur
No way! We are a Christian nation regardless of what people may think. We were founded on Godly principles. I say leave it!
Leave the Bible.
Nobody gets forced to read it.
Leave it
This country was founded on Judeo/Christian beliefs; hence, “In God We Trust.” The Bible must remain in the display. If some people want the Quran and Jewish holy books, so be it. But the Bible must remain.
It is troubling that a loud minority keeps trying to overturn the beliefs and structures of the majority. The majority must become equally loud and no longer remain silent..
The Christian bible is not the only bible. It is the New Testament basically whereas the Jewish religion uses the Old Testament bible. So you really need more than one bible to be politically correct in order to cover all religions represented.
Leave it !!!!!!
If bibles from other religions are added then it would be fine to leave it. But a Christian bible alone should be removed. If you have one, you need to have them all. Not everyone was Christian.
Leave it. Gods word can have a healing effect and if you take it away that healing is gone!
It always is better to add then subtract so add the other holy books if you wish but removing the Bible is detrimental to those that believe. Also all religions that share the Christian belief (and there is a lot) use the same Bible (yes each religion may make a few changes to fit their needs but basically it is the same Bible). Plus what about the Jews? It you ever read any of the old testament you would find that it is loaded with Jewish history and prayers too! So getting rid of the Bible hurts a whole lot more people then you ever imagined!
In this country people want to change the history of the USA! they want to change characters that were important in a moment they want to erase important phrases, they already achieved it with the confederation flag, in Oklahoma they also removed the monument of the 10 commandments. What are you afraid of ??? a world power that allows itself to be manipulated in the 21st century ??
Suddenly EVERYONE is a Christian in a Foxhole, when they’re being shot at. Let alone being captured & tortured by an enemy. Fat Buddha is not going to help you, Mohammad is not going to save you, and Certainly NOT Satan will help!!
The Bible will Stay just as it has from the beginning of the establishment of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THAT’S WHY WE LEFT ENGLAND. LEARN IT, KNOW IT, LIVE IT!!!!
Remove it. Our forefathers respected and understood that no religion or religious beliefs should be forced upon any citizen of the democratic republic which they founded. And it is why they made it explicit in the First Amendment, when they added The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution .
“…Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances….”
And what? Replace it with what? Have you read it? If you had you wouldn’t be saying get rid of it. The bible came BEFORE the Constitution and is GOD’S WORD! Without 99% of American values would be lost. If you read it you’d understand that. The old addage “Ignorance Is Bliss” Applies to your comments.
Please Leave the Bible in the display. Please add other Holy Books from the other religions. There are many Veterans from many religions serving in the United States Military.
If you don’t like it, don’t read it, simple as that.
Leave it!
Everyone should read it, so please leave it.
No do not touch it; only atheists are complaining and who cares what they think?
Leave it ! We do NOT need all religions Bibles or Koran . Our country honors GOD ALMIGHTY.
We are one nation under GOD.
Leave it ! We do NOT need all religions Bibles or Koran . Our country honors GOD ALMIGHTY.
We are one nation under GOD.
This nation was not founded upon the Quran or the Jewish holy books, but only upon the Bible. It was not the Jews or the Muslims who were fleeing their mother country that founded this country, and created out Constitution. The Constitution does not provide for a “separation of State and Religion” as many proclaim, only that the State can’t demand the setting of one religion. Having a Bible out for display does not encourage or endorse any particular religion, nor does it particularly entice anyone to read it out of their own will. The Founding Fathers quoted and used the Scriptures in their daily discourse and jurisprudence, and evidence is given in the preamble to the Constitution. Let the Bible remain on the table!
As a retired Army chaplain I know that the Old Testament contained in the typical Holy Bible is considered Holy writings by both Jews and Muslims as well as Christians. When performing ecumenical services I regularly used Old Testament passages so as not to offend and to be inclusive. Muslims also view Jesus as a Holy prophet. Those wishing to exclude the Bible from display are purely anti-faith and that not only against our common religions but is contrary to the beliefs of the vast majority of the world’s population.
No, the Bible should stay. If they want to add books from other faiths also, then do that, but leave the Bible for sure! No one is required to read it! That leaves the option for those who want to read it to do so!
Of course not! But, as you said, including other religion’s holy books would be an excellent compromise.
Leave it, but if the atheists win I expect the gutless bureaucracy @ DOD to remove the entire display.
Leave the Bible. What a sad world we live in
It should be left
It wasn’t the Government who placed the Bible on the table It was the people
I agree with the writer. Add symbols and/or texts of other religions to the table. The military has and is made of people of all faiths as is our nation.
Leave it. There are no atheists is fox holes.
Leave it! People find comfort in the word of God!
Since those that don’t believe that the Bible should stand alone and that God is God all by himself, then turn in all of your money…, without God your money is no good. You can’t have it both ways. If you don’t like what’s happening in our military that was founded on such principles, you don’t have to be there. It’s not about YOU!!!!!! .
Leave the Bible!
One nation under God.
Leave it. No one is forced to pick it up and read it.
The article states the Government is forbidden to establish a religion. The First amendment states that Congress shall make no law establishing a religion… According to many of the legal opinions handed down recently, it looks like the Judicial branch is establishing laws. Myself, I need to accept the Constitution as written, as I do not have a time machine to go back and ask the authors of this splendid document what they meant.
Oh no! Bible is the tool for people to know the word of God and it’s powerful. God’s word is a lamp into our feet and a light into our path.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 NIV
Leave it, no other traditions are removed because of religions or beliefs in other gods. Why is it that only the Bible or crosses are the items expected to be removed? A Bible is doing no harm to anyone just sitting there. No one is being forced to believe in it, it is there for those who do believe.
Leave the Bible in the display. We are a Christian Nation and this country was founded with belief in God.
Leave it!!!
The bible alone was the foundation of our nation and it’s values. It is largely the bible that brings/brought strength and faith to our POWs. It has earned the justification to stand alone at the POW table. Others with an accepting heart should be able to accept these facts. Yes we should understand that other religions are also viable options from our own. However, to force all religion to be represented detracts from our history and what values most of our POWs pull their strength from.
To remove the bible goes beyond disrespectful, it is flat out vengeful against our values we fight for.. To complicate the display in the name of fairness would just detract from the message.
Please leave the Holy Bible on the table. Remember our country is based in religious freedom and there are chaplains in each of the service branches. If you are offended don’t open the book. Or read from it’s pages.
Remove them…the table is for a person, not a religion.
It will offend more people if you remove it than it will by being displayed.
The answer to all of mans problems can be found in the Bible.
Leave it, there are more people who are not offended by it than offended.
If they want their books put them there.
I will complain and be totally offended if it is removed. That’s telling me we are getting too weak as a military and country. Shame on anyone who removes the Bible.
If you don’t want it then don’t pick it up. Simple as that……
this country was founded on the principle of the bible . it stands for what this country is and should be, this bible should always be there for our military never taken away to serve political correctness.
This nation was founded on God’s principles and that book. Attempts to change the meaning of our country and its charter are subversive and un-American. If this country, its laws and traditions no longer suit your fancy…find somewhere else to spew your diatribe. The Bible stays and so does the phrase :one nation under God”. There are no atheists in foxholes!!!
leave the bible it is ,if you don’t like the bible on display than don’t read the bible or pick it up, very simple to understand.
Leave the Bible and, with due respect, include other books used by other religions as their foundation for faith followers..
The Atheists, don’t believe, but that is a minority group and if they are offended by the majority believers then they need to stay away from sacred memorials. I think that I can guarantee that every POW/MIA was and is praying to their God at the critical moment in their life that they were either captured, held and/or killed at the hands of the enemies.
The Bible should continue to be used as a measure of goodwill to all men to read how God created man, sent His Son on the world He created to die for our sins against Him and each other and to live our lives in a more righteous way
I think the bible should be left where it is but I also feel other holy books should be there to offer comfort to others as need be. Were the individuals who complained at the hospital seeing someone who was there? Do they know that prayers are offered up daily by all military chaplains to watch over each and every patient regardless of their religious persuasion? Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, God and/or any others watch over whoever needs their comfort and they don’t care who they are. If you don’t want to believe don’t punish those of us who do by demanding that we do it your way.
considering the 3 major religions believe in the bibles message then i fail to see exactly who is offended? If you Still I suggest being shot at or be held in captivity then perhaps any words of comfort will be excepted.
Leave it!
The people that say remove the Bible, has not taken the time to read. If they would and I mean read it, not just look it over, they will have a change of heart and they would ask Jesus into their heart. and learn to love everyone.instead hate.
If it offends someone then there religion offends me it needs to stay right where it is.
Leave it .
Leave the Bible and anything else originally displayed…..for goodness sake, can we stop being offended by ‘things we see others doing’, ‘ differences in people themselves’, and ‘things we see that we don’t like.’ Can we not have a tolerance for others and what someone else wants. If we don’t like what we see, we can look the other way. If we are offended by the Bible, don’t read it, don’t look at it, just move your focus to other things. It’s a pretty sad world we have that everyone, who is ‘offended’ by something, files a lawsuit to make changes.
We are still ‘One Nation Under God’. Leave the Bible!!
The Bible is a book of wisdom, hope and choice. It seems that anything good becomes interrupted and replaced with EVERYTHING not good to make it ok for ONE person, ONE side, ONE perspective and ONE opinion. Every personal perspective is your own but it doesn’t mean alternate meanings don’t exist. Let’s just be fair across the board, do not read the Bible if you that’s your choice. Life is about choices, make it yours and not mine please.
Stand your ground please. Leave the Bible in its rightful place. There is no atheists in foxholes.
Leave the Bible on the POW/MIA display table.
This is a question of a table display and not the government making a law.
While anti-Christians are quick to cite the first part of the Free Exercise Claus and omit the second part,
Congress shall make no law… “prohibiting the free exercise thereof”, across this nation, Christians’ constitutional rights are increasingly trampled on and many are discriminated against because the “prohibiting free exercise thereof” clause is ignored.
Isn’t it strange that when our military deploys to certain foreign countries, to protect them, our troops have to be respectful of there religious customs and observances, especially, female soldiers, and those same people can come to our country and make demands against and fight against our Christian beliefs? And strangely, the small vocal minority, defends the anti-Christians foreigners’/immigrants’ Constitutional rights
Christian Constitutional scholars and lawyers, please use your gifts and abilities that the Lord has given you so that as we
“Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority” it can help facilitate knowledge and perhaps wisdom that will enhance to our ability “to live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity”.
Leave it!