′Tis the season of holiday parties and office gatherings. Along with the shrimp cocktails and plates of holiday cookies, now is the time of year when a special holiday cocktail can make those celebrations with friends and family something memorable.
Inspired by the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” here are 12 drink recipes to try this holiday season.
12 Days of Holiday-Inspired Cocktails
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Ahhh, pears. They are often forgotten about when it comes to holiday entertaining, but they offer a nice alternative to apples and pumpkin. Together with ginger and bourbon, pears are the featured flavor in this holiday beverage that is just sweet enough to be something special. Here’s the recipe for a Ginger & Pear Bourbon Cocktail.
Two Turtle Doves
I’m not really sure what a turtle dove is, but I when I hear the word turtle, I automatically think chocolate and caramel. This drink has it all, complete with a pecan glass rimmer and topped with whipped cream! Let me introduce you to the Turtle Caketini.
Three French Hens
Even hens are fancier in France, so is it any wonder that a French cocktail could be just what you need to give your holiday party some pizazz? Here’s a whole list of French cocktails, but my favorite is French 75. You can’t go wrong when champagne is involved.
Four Calling Birds
Whether you are flocking together with family or friends, a drink inspired by calling birds is sure to please even the sourest humbug. Here’s the recipe for The Jungle Bird Cocktail.
Five Golden Rings
Be it 24 karat or 100 proof, gold for the holidays is always in style.
This one takes a little work, but oh, it’s so worth it. Take the bright, sweet flavor of pineapple and marry it with traditional holiday spices like cinnamon and clove. Served hot, this drink will warm you inside and out!

Now is the time of year when a special holiday drink can make those celebrations with friends and family something memorable.
Six Geese A Laying
What do you get when you’ve got six geese a laying? A whole lot of eggs. And while this drink recipe doesn’t actually contain any eggs, a spiked egg cream will bring back memories of yesteryear while helping you create new memories in the present.
Seven Swans A Swimming
Graceful and beautiful, but have you ever wondered what a swan who took a dive on the dark side would look like?
If you ask this mixologist, that bird would be purple, and both sweet and tart. Try a Seductive Swan for an afternoon get-together or your holiday book club.
Eight Maids A Milking
Where there is milk, there’s cream. And nothing says holiday cheer like the creamy, dreamy flavor of a peppermint patty. Here’s how to make this favorite seasonal drink three different ways.
Nine Ladies Dancing
If you’re not exactly a twinkle-toed ballerina, consider substituting killer dance moves with this killer drink. The Nine Ladies Dancing Cocktail is aptly named and just as impressive as any chorus line.
Ten Lords A Leaping
On this side of the pond you’re not likely to run into too many lords, but I imagine if you saw ten of them leaping, you’d probably take notice.
Inspired by Lord Stanley of the famous Stanley Cup this holiday punch packs a…well, a punch! Plus it makes enough to serve the entire hockey team!
Eleven Pipers Piping
Piping…piping…piping hot! With the cold winter weather, libations served warm are a must. And Hot Buttered Rum is a long-standing favorite.
This recipe makes it super easy to have Hot Buttered Rum pretty much on demand. Click the link for the batter recipe, then prepare your rum to be buttered.
Twelve Drummers Drumming
Stop and think for a moment what twelve drummers drumming would sound like. This final drink will help you celebrate the season with the kind of bang those drummers would be proud of.