After waiting nearly three years from the time the government approved a veteran ID card, the ID cards are finally getting into the hands of veterans.
The new veteran ID card identifies veterans for the purpose of receiving military discounts.
Some companies require proof that a person is a veteran in order to receive a discount. For those that did not retire from the military, they do not have a way to prove they are veterans unless they carry their separation papers known as DD-214 discharge papers.
Who carries their DD-214 around with them? A veteran ID card is a much easier way to prove that you are a veteran at a restaurant.
Many people are happy that a veteran ID card is available, but they are not happy that the Office Depot logo is on the back. The reason their logo is on the back is because they are printing the cards.
While the government approved the production of a veteran ID card, the government did not provide funding to pay for the ID cards.
That’s when Office Depot stepped up.
It makes sense from a business standpoint to get some free advertising out of the huge cost. The company is not only paying to produce the veteran ID cards, but they are also covering the cost of mailing them. They have agreed to do so until the end of fiscal year 2020. That will add up to a huge investment for Office Depot.

Who carries their DD-214 around with them? A veteran ID card is a much easier way to prove that you are a veteran at a restaurant.
The veteran ID card is highly requested. When they initially launched the website to apply for the veteran ID card, the site crashed. After adjustments were made, was able to get the program started again.
As of mid May, nearly 99,000 applications for the veteran ID card had been received and over 26,000 had been approved. More than 10,000 people were mailed a veteran ID card before the end of the month.
A veteran ID card sounds great, but many veterans are annoyed about the Office Depot logo on the back. They feel like it cheapens the card and makes it look unprofessional.
The back of the card has the Veterans Crisis Line phone number, the Office Depot logo and a tagline that reads: “Saluting you today and every day. Thanks for taking care of business.”

The back of the new Veteran ID card includes the Office Depot company logo. Photo credit:
When I first saw the veteran ID card, I thought the Office Depot logo on the back made the card look unofficial. It’s nothing like a standard issued military ID. Perhaps that’s on purpose.
The veteran ID card is only to show proof that a person is a veteran in order to receive military discounts.
The veteran ID card cannot be used as an official government ID card.
You cannot use it to access a military base and it does not replace the VA’s ID card that veterans use to identify themselves at VA clinics.
You also cannot use it to get through security at an airport since it is not an official government ID card.
The veteran ID card is specifically to be used for public and some government situations in lieu of carrying the DD-214 paperwork when proof of service is required. It is only available to veterans that were discharged as honorable or general.
Veterans interested in obtaining a veteran ID card must prove that they are former service members to receive a physical card. You can find out more information and apply for a veteran ID card online at
While some people might not like having the Office Depot logo on the back, I’m sure they like that the card is free. Sometimes you get what you pay for.