The U.S. Armed Forces Branch not the Netflix TV Show
The United States Space Force (USSF) is the newest branch of the Armed Forces and was established on December 20, 2019 in the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. It is due to be stood-up by June, 2022 (18 months from inception). Space affects almost every area of our daily lives now. Satellites in space are crucial to internet, phone service, and GPS technology. First responders use the technology to communicate and it is important for financial services such as paying with a credit card at a gas pump. This is the first new military branch since the Air Force was established in 1947.
USSF has not decided what service members will be called yet but “Spacers” for lack of a better term are going to be at the forefront of technology. Missions will include launching rockets, protecting satellites and keeping them operational and developing technology to make this happen. Because Space has become so critical to our nation’s infrastructure, it was determined that it needed its own branch of military for its defense.
The USSF’s first task was to establish a fully functioning headquarters at the Pentagon and work with the U.S. Air Force to transfer forces into USSF. Staff from the Air Force Space Command headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base have become a command element for USSF.
Space Force Facts
- General Jay Raymond is the first Chief of Space Operations appointed by the president. Chief Master Sergeant Roger Towberman is the first Senior Enlisted Advisor.
- Just like the Joint Chiefs, the USSF Headquarters and the Office of the Chief of Space Operations are at the Pentagon.
- Military and civilian personnel involved in space operations for the Air Force Space Command will comprise the initial personnel for USSF. Other units and personnel for the Air Force will transfer to USSF in the coming months.
- The Air Force Space Command is now the U.S. Space Force. Currently those who transferred will remain Airmen with the U.S. Air Force. Over the coming months those in space jobs will be transferred to USSF while those in other jobs will just be assigned to USSF.
- Peterson AFB in Colorado is a critical hub for USSF.
- The initial force is about 16,000 civilians and military assigned on Dec 20, 2019 from the former Air Force Space Command. Those with desired job skills will have the opportunity to transfer to USSF.
The recent recruiting video makes this statement, “Maybe your purpose on this planet isn’t on this planet.” Pretty thought provoking. Over the next year we will start seeing more specifics on what this branch will be. Of course, everyone wants to know what the uniforms are going to look like. There is currently a design process taking place.
On an interesting note, Netflix premiered “Space Force”, a new comedy series staring Steve Carell on May, 29. As early as January 2019, Netflix was seeking to trademark the name “Space Force” not only in the U.S. but Europe, Australia, Mexico and more. The U.S. has a pending application to register the trademark. Definitely a potential conflict. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Having watched a few episodes of the show, it is like a military version of “The Office” the show that made Steve Carell famous. It is pretty funny, but not too complimentary to the branch.
What are your thoughts? Do you think we need a new military branch?
*Information on the Space Force was compiled from the USSF official website.

Marguerite Cleveland is a freelance writer who specializes in human interest and travel stories. She is a military brat, a veteran and now a military spouse. Her military experience is vast as the daughter of a Navy man who served as an enlisted sailor and then Naval Officer. She served as an enlisted soldier in the reserves and on active duty, then as an Army Officer. She currently serves as a military spouse. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two sons. Visit her website
It would make more sense to create a US Police Force with every member training at the same basic training camp and learning the same things and being held under the UCMJ for misconduct. It will sort of be like the Coast Guard which polices the sea. The USPF would police the land. It would do away with city and regional police forces’ that kind of create their own rules and ideas for behavior. Every few years members of the USPF would be moved to new duty stations’ just like members’ of the military are so they do not become attached to local criminal gangs and hate groups like the local cops are who now spend their entire career in one place. That will be a way to stop crooked cops from evolving. Also, the huge risk of a court martial for sitting on or beating to death someone who is screaming “I can’t breathe” to end such future incidents’ like that.
No, I don’t think a new branch is necessary. The Air Force Space Command seemed sufficient, in my opinion. To establish a new branch to do exactly what a MajCom was doing all along is a waste of money and resources.
In my opinion, the United States Marine Corps should be changed to a separate branch from the United States Navy.