I think we all know about the benefits of breakfast – but sometimes the benefit of those extra 15 minutes of sleep are so easy to put higher on the morning priority list. So, for this list post, I decided to write about the bad things that happen when I don’t have breakfast, instead of the good things that can happen to you if you do have breakfast. Maybe that will have more of an impact…
When I don’t eat breakfast…
1…I get a massive headache and it is always a surprise…always.
2….The small things bother me…like dog kibble on the ground or long lines at the grocery store.
3…Small tasks seem insurmountable. The pile of dishes, the mountain of laundry, the pages of e-mails, and long list of voicemails I have to sift through.
4…The kids are louder – exponential decibels louder.
5…I don’t have enough energy to work out.
6…I eat more at dinner.
7…I can’t make up my workout because I ate too much at dinner.
Stop Chasing the Ideal Breakfast

Stop Chasing the Ideal Breakfast
Not having breakfast in the morning messes with my entire day, and yet it is still really hard for me to learn my lesson. I want so desperately to have that picturesque breakfast in the morning where the family is gathered around the table with steamy eggs, bacon, maybe a muffin or two.
But that breakfast is not realistic for most of us crazy busy Americans…and honestly, bacon and muffins aren’t that great for us either.
What IS manageable is cereal. Cereal with some extra nutritional boosts:

Start Your Day With A Smile
Honey Nut Cheerios or Cinnamon Toast Crunch with a spoonful of milled flaxseed and milk. I’m a little addicted to my Cheerios (I’m eating a bowl now…it #mustbethehoney). I like adding milled flaxseed to food wherever I can since it adds extra fiber, iron, and omega-3 acids…and it’s easy.
You can get the big boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch at the commissary for cheap. Plus cereal doubles as breakfast and late-night snack.
Want to know what else you can do with Honey Nut Cheerios? Check out the cheerios recipes page and get inspired.
Must be the honey…. Love it,
I love my Multigrain Cheerios. Actually just bought some at the Commissary today 🙂 I am all about easy in the morning!