Do you shop at the commissary? Do you sometimes find yourself frustrated over the experience? Shopping at the commissary doesn’t have to be so frustrating for you. These tips can help you get organized and make the shopping trip more enjoyable.
Here are 5 tips to help you have a more positive shopping experience at your commissary.
1. Organize your coupons.
Using coupons at the commissary will save you money but only if you bring them with you. So many times I don’t think about my coupons beforehand and end up leaving them at home. Come up with a plan, carry a small coupon envelope in your purse and always plan to bring it with you when you go. Figure out what coupons you will be using ahead of time and hand them to the cashier when you check out.
Related: Commissary Rewards Card Helps Military Families Save Money
If you can, match some of your coupons to what is on sale for the month. You will be able to save more money that way.
2. Have cash ready for tipping your baggers.
At the commissary you will need to have a tip handy for the baggers. That is the only money that they get paid. I try to make sure that I have a few dollars with me before I get there. Having the money already in your purse or wallet is nice because you don’t have to think about it when you go to pay.
However, you are able to get cash back if you need to. Just ask the cashier for 5 one dollar bills. That shouldn’t be a problem since a lot of people do the same thing and the cashiers are used to people asking for small bills.
3. Make a shopping list.
When shopping at the commissary you need to have a good shopping list. Plan your meals and write down what you need to get. Do an inventory of what you have at home so you don’t buy something you already have enough of.
By making a shopping list you will save yourself money because you won’t just be grabbing everything you see when you are in the commissary. You will have a list you can stick to.
If you want to be even more organized, write down what you need to buy based on where things are located in the commissary. That will help speed up your shopping trip.
4. Plan your shopping days.
Don’t go to the commissary on payday if you can avoid it. The commissary will always be crowded on payday. If you have to go that day, go there early in the morning to avoid most of the crowds.
If you plan your days and budget right you can avoid having to go on the one day everyone else is getting paid too. I remember being there on a payday when I was pregnant on a hot summer day, the line was all the way to the back of the store. Not something I ever wanted to repeat.
5. Plan for your kids.
If you have to take your kids with you to the commissary, make sure you plan for that. You don’t want them to get bored or make your shopping trip impossible. Think about what will help keep them entertained while you are there.
You can also have them help you with your shopping. Give them their own list to take around or ask them questions about the types of foods you are going to be buying. Keeping them busy will make for an easier trip. If your child is young enough and you can find one, a car cart can help keep them busy and excited about the shopping trip.
Avoid the days of the week your commissary stocks shelves. Unlike a normal grocery which stocks at night, our commissary stocks shelves during normal business hours. This means you have to have carts of stock in the aisle trying to fill empty shelves while you are shopping. Plan your trip for the day after stock day.
I worked hard for my commissary benefit. My grown daughter helps me me pretty much everywhere but dislikes the commissary because it seems to have an unpleasant odor, and we notice people are very rude between lunch and 1500. They seem to be playing bumper cars with the carts. What time of day or week is best, and how can I help my family have more confidence in the commissary system? Thank you!