If you have a pet, you know how important taking them to a good veterinarian is. You could find the ideal place for your furry friends but then you have to move. Once you get to your new duty station you have to start the search over again.
What factors should you consider when looking for a new veterinarian? How do you find the right one for your pets?
The best way to find the right veterinarian is to ask people in your community. Usually, there are places that are known for their good service and places that are known to stay away from. You can talk to some of your neighbors or ask on a neighborhood page.
You might even have a Facebook group just for pets in your city. We have one where I live and the group is helpful for asking any questions about pets or where to take them for their medical care. People will talk about their experiences which is really helpful. As you meet people at your new duty station you can also talk to them to see who they use for their pets.

How do you choose a new veterinarian for your pet after a move? Does your military installation have a vet clinic?
You want to take a tour of any veterinarian clinic that you hear good things about. You want to see for yourself what the office is like and if you will feel comfortable taking your pet there. You should check and see how clean they are and if the staff is friendly.
I know I would only want to take my dog to a place I felt comfortable at and not a place that gave me pause, even if a lot of people told me that veterinarian was a good choice.
While you are taking the tour of the office you should also find out about how everything works at that clinic. You will want to know this information if you decide to go with them. Each veterinarian office could have a different way of doing things and that could be a change from the way your vet conducted business at your previous duty station.
You will want to take a look at their hours of operation so you know when they are open and when you can bring your pet in. If both you and your spouse work full-time you would need to find a place with more flexible hours.
Finding out about their emergency care is also important in case you need that down the road. Knowing that information ahead of time will save you stress when you actually need to use their emergency care.
Some military families prefer to go to an on-post clinic when it comes to their pet’s veterinarian. They feel more comfortable there and most likely the costs will be lower.
Here at Fort Campbell the costs are lower but from what I have heard getting an appointment can be difficult. That is one of the reasons we decided to take our dog to an off-post clinic as we didn’t want to have to worry about not getting her in when she needs to be seen.
Finding out if the clinic will board pets is also a good idea. At some point, your family will either go home for a visit or go on vacation and you will need to find a safe place to leave your pet. If the clinic you decide to go with does offer this service, you will have a place to leave them that you trust and won’t have to worry about looking for one when you need to board them.