DeCA Corporate Communications
May 4, 2020

FORT LEE, Va. – On May 8, the Defense Commissary Agency will begin daily health screenings of anyone who works in commissaries – including employees, baggers and affiliated contractors – before they start their shifts.
Commissaries will initially conduct the screenings with a questionnaire that focuses on any visible symptoms related to COVID-19, and traces their travel history as well as potential connections with anyone affected by the virus.
As stores receive their infrared thermometers, the screening will include temperature checks. If a temperature check determines anyone is a potential risk, they will be directed to go home and contact their health care provider. They can return to work once they have no signs of a fever or illness, and they will be screened again.
“Military resale is good at evolving and adapting, and screening the people who work in our stores is the first step in a new normal that helps reduce the risk of transmission for everyone,” said Rear Adm. (retired) Robert J. Bianchi, DOD Special Assistant for Commissary Operations. “We should expect to operate like this for the foreseeable future.”
Bianchi, who is also the CEO of the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM), said his Navy Exchange stores are also preparing to implement these procedures for the personnel working in their facilities.
“There are probably going to be many commercial businesses that start implementing temperature checks for employees and wearing of face coverings, so this should be no surprise to anyone as they may experience this in many aspects of their personal lives,” he said.
The employee health screenings are the latest in a series of safety measures commissaries have implemented:
- Anyone (including customers) entering a store must wear a face covering
- Stores have plexiglass sneeze shields in all regular checkout lanes
- Commissary personnel wipe down checkout areas, product display cases, restrooms and shopping carts with disinfectant, and practice routine hand washing and other basic sanitation measures
- Touchless credit card processing eliminates the need for the customer to sign
- Customers scan their own ID cards so cashiers can provide them touchless transactions
- Reusable bag usage has been banned
- Only authorized customers – this includes disabled veterans with VHIC cards – will be able to enter a commissary. Visitors will no longer be allowed to accompany authorized customers and a 100% ID check is in place
- DeCA canceled special events such as the spring sidewalk sales, in-store product demonstrations (including DeCA’s free coffee program), group tours, vendor-sponsored events and other events to discourage group gatherings
- Commissaries are working with installation leadership and public health personnel to implement risk reduction practices such as designated store hours for various patron groups, and limiting the number of patrons in the store.
Commissary customers should continue to refer to the federal government’s response to coronavirus, COVID-19 website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Coronavirus site for updates and guidance regarding this virus. Updates related to the commissaries can be found on DeCA’s Coronavirus page.
I feel that it would be a good ideal to make the isles all one way.
Thank you.
I’am a military spouse air force retired. I loved to shop in the BX and commissary, but for some reason till now we still cannot shop @ Nellis Air Force BX and Commissary. So much for caring! but not for us retired.
Navy exchange, 32nd st, San Diego, Ca.. On May 2, 2020, I purchased a electronect charger. On May 4,, 2020 I returned to customer service to return or exchange. There were two employees in the counter. I requested a return and refund. I was asked what is wrong with the product.? There was nothing wrong. I may buy another one. I was told to return on June,2020 for a refund, because employees are on work from home and they are on school and training. I wonder what those employees doing?THANK YOU
Is there any way I can find out when retired Air force members will be able to use the commissary at Nellis Air Force base?
Goodfellow Air force Base is prohibiting retirees from entering the base. Yet on 25 March I received an e-mail from HRC Fort Knox announcing a Voluntary recall of retired soldiers to help with the Chinese COVID-19 virus.
What hypocrites ! Why would anyone want to volunteer when retirees are treated like 3rd class citizens ?
What are hours of operations for Selfridge ANG commissary in Michigan Thank you