The new director for the Defense Commissary Agency, DeCA, is planning changes to the commissary to widen its use and service to military members, retirees, and their families. John Hall took over as the new director and chief executive officer for DeCA in June of 2023. Hall stated at that time, “As a career logistician, I appreciate the commissary benefit’s impact on the quality of life of our service members and their families. Commissaries help sustain our military communities by providing food security through significant savings, healthy food options, clean and safe stores, convenience and premier customer service.” Hall was previously the Army Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, managing a logistics budget of $10 billion annually.
Increase Sales
Hall stated further that the goal was to increase sales at the commissary. These increased sales, in turn, allow for lower prices with the commissary model. The commissary currently receives about $1.2 billion in funding from the Department of Defense, and the 5% surcharge charged to customers is to cover the cost of construction, maintenance, and equipment in the stores. These maintenance costs go toward repairs to the commissary and food replacement after power outages due to hurricanes and typhoons; they also cover repairs to dated air-conditioning units. Hall is considering increasing the surcharge to balance out the need for more maintenance instead of asking Congress for more money.
Click2Go Changes
The Click2Go website allows patrons to place a commissary grocery order for pick-up or delivery. But the website is cumbersome to use and not user-friendly. Especially at a time when many families are used to placing grocery or pick-up orders at other local stores through easier applications, the website may be a deterrent for those Commissary locations using Click2Go. Per DeCA, about 1% of their sales are through the online service, while the industry average is about 10%. DeCA must address the online system to make it user-friendly and increase its use.
Sharing Shopping Eligibility
In 2020, the shopping eligibility expanded to include disabled veterans, but there is still a lack of understanding in that population that they have the ability. Per a article, Marine Sgt Major Michael Saucedo said that 99% of disabled veterans at a Veterans of Foreign Wars conference were unaware of the benefit. Any service-connected disability counts, with any level percentage, and the commissary benefit extends for their lifetime.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is working with these eligible patrons to provide them a Veteran Health Identification Card, allowing base and commissary access to utilize these benefits.
New Features
The Commissary is expanding its hours, increasing savings, and improving the quality of its products. Hall states he is working on providing prepared meal options to eligible patrons to compete with the civilian stores.
Hall states, “This is all about the customer.” If a patron desires a specific item, Hall wants to encourage patrons to ask about getting the item at the commissary – chances are if one patron wants it, another may also be looking for it.
What kind of features or changes would you want at your Commissary?
Please allow Civilians with CAC to use the commissary.
How do I access the online website for shopping at Patrick’s space Force Base commissary? I would easily and readily do my shopping through the website as I do for instacart but I don’t know where to even find the access. I have looked and looked and I can’t find it.
Please email me the answer as I don’t know if I’ll even find my way back here to see if you’ve answered me. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for any help you’re able to provide.
How about showing commissary prices that include the surcharge so that the real cost of an item is displayed.
Leave the 5% surcharge alone and don’t increase it.
Would it be possible to have dairy free items and grain free items.
Fix the Rewards coupon system. They are hardly ever used because the system is down. Look at Publix and Win Dixie ones.
Bring back Little Debbie brand products.
Have sales on Com brand products. Have you tried them?
Dear Sir.
I been trying to get an item restock on the shelf at the Eglin Afb Commissary in Florida for over two years. The item is Odom’s Tennessee Pride Sausage & Gravy UPC code 7229004037. If you can help Thank You.
The last change to pricing resulted in cheaper prices off base and too much fluctuation. Raising the surcharge in my opinion would push more customers stateside to local grocery stores. While we do still use the commissary on occasion, my local grocer cc gives 5% cash back on their labels, 1.5% on everything else.
I love my commissary. As a retired , dusabled, dependant spouse those at my commissary are always friendly and helpful. I love the click to go but being disabled I still need help picking up. I hopeful fort Knox will start the delivery and then going to anyone else for my groceries will still. I do find a few things cheaper at some stores but over all my commissary the handsdown the best. Thank you
I am skeptical about the extra savings at the expense of higher surcharges. When the current 5% surcharge is factored into total prices, the commissary is just competitive with Wal Mart stores,
As a retired Vietnam Vet on fixed income, I will reserve judgement but I am worried this benefit will no longer be an advantage to commercial stores.
Thanks for your article.
Civilian grocery stores are open seven days a week with the exception of major holidays. I would like to see the commissary adopt this schedule and forego the Monday closure.
We moved to Atlanta area 15 years ago from Pittsburgh, PA area. Even through they closed the base there, they built a new commissary. We moved to Atlanta about 15 years ago and there were three bases with commissaries. They closed all bases and all commissaries even through the there are thousands of vets in the Atlanta area. I don’t believe the Government really has any interest in helping the vets.
E-6 Roush Retired
I have tried to sign up for coupons and savings several times. I hit submit, but nothing happens.
Thank you very much, for providing a safe place to shop for retirees.
If the surge charge is increased you may as well goto a regular grocery store because most places you don’t pay taxes on food
A lot of items I use to be able to buy at the commissary they no longer carry. So I do most of my shopping else
The Commissary is NOT the benefit it once was! In Texas, you don’t pay taxes on food, but you do (surcharges) at the commissary. If it had the true savings it once did, you would see the lines again at the checkouts.
“Hall is considering increasing the surcharge to balance out the need for more maintenance instead of asking Congress for more money.”
Increase the surcharge? There are many items that are cheaper in town now. It used to be such a blessing but prices have gone up. There are nearly no organic options with fresh produce and that’s also often higher than in town. This is a shame.
I like going to the commissary, but the prices are a lot higher there than a lot of the stores when we go to them that’s why we only can go there and pick up a few things because with the surcharge and that we’re not really saving anything
Lower the surcharge, not raise it! That’s a no-brainer if you waant people to shop in the commissary regularly.
I would like to see increased availability of products. As an example, Pepsi Zero may have 4-6 bottles on the shelf. At times, Dorito family sized bags are not even available, yet, at Walmart, there is adequate stock, Walmart brand products (generics) also are lower in price than Commissary generics. I realize stores in town can offer “loss leaders” and, at times, the price will be lower than the commissary.
How about doing better at keeping the shelves stocked???????
The prices, in some cases, almost doubled during the pandemic and have very slowly if at all have yet to come back down. The pandemic is OVER and there is no reason to continue charging us vets prices that are in some cases “higher” than civilian grocery stores! There are some items that have come down a lot but when I have to pay $22 for an 9 rolls of toilet paper I find that very offensive. The Home base 6 roll that I bought before the pandemic for $4.98 went up to $12.98 during the pandemic. It is now at $11.98. Why? It is still the same toilet paper. That is over a 100% mark up. We are vets, disabled vets and retirees who served our country with honor. We deserve a break from these over the top prices that line someone’s pockets.
Cost and selection. I am disabled as well as a retired United States Marine. I travel 146 miles to get to my closest Commissary (Malstrom AFB). If Mr. Hall is planning to increase the surcharge that is there for the maintenance that we all have to deal with at a smaller scale of course. The economy that I may have benefited from the lower prices (including the prices of gas) of goods could well negate any savings I was experiencing.
I am new to the area add would like to know if one or both an go to with me t0 shop. I am not a disabled veteran. Also. How do I access i\Click2Go ?. Thank you
If they increase the surcharge again, I’m going to the commissary even less than I usually do. Sales tax for groceries in Virginia is 1%. The prices at my local commissaries are also not competitive so I end up shopping somewhere else for most of my needs.
there goes the benefit to provide groceries at a reasonable cost for the military especially the lower ranking enlisted men and women. Raising the surcharge is disgraceful and counter productive. The commissary is to support our troops not make it overly profitable. Lower prices and raise the surcharge is dumb. Where is senior military leadership? Have all the academy grads who control the services lost touch with the common meGeorgen and women who are not raking in high wages.
Like the idea of prepared meals. Less empty shelves.
“”shopping eligibility expanded to include disabled veterans.” Military installations do not make it easy for the veteran to access the installation with their spouse.
The problem is that most disabled veteran (DV)s want to take their spouse or need their spouse to drive and the spouse cannot get onto the military installation. Someone I know recently tried to access a military base with his spouse and was told she would have to apply for a day pass. The problem, pass and ID section on this installation is open M-F. It was a weekend when the DV and his spouse drove a distance to go to the commissary and exchange; she was denied entrance so they went home.
How much of an increase in the surcharge. As prices have increased so has our surcharge amounts. Even if they lower food prices a new surcharge will wipe out any savings.
I would like to see more gluten free options for those of us with celiac disease
I am opposed to increasing the surcharge at the Commissary.
At the current 5% surcharge many items are higher than the local economy grocery stores but for the convenience, I will pay the extra penny or two per item.
However, if you raise the surcharge, I will NOT shop at the commissary any more.
Would really like if the commissary could get more coupons. They sure do help.
Raising the surcharge would be a mistake. The prices are creeping up and getting close to regular grocery store prices. I would look at the prices that stores such as Aldi and Thrifty. Their prices are lower than base prices in most all products. The one thing with surcharges is that out side the base we pay tax on some groceries but some are non taxed at civilian stores. So you pay surcharge on for example like milk but not in civilian stores Remember we are also gilted into paying tips for our groceries being packed. It all add up and sometimes supercede tax on food in civilian stores.
The commissary definitely needs to raise its game. I use the App frequently and it definitely has problems. Let me first say that I usually don’t use it for its intended purpose. I use it to check prices against local stores when they have sales. Gives me the information to determine if their sale price is as good as the commissary. The answer is usually NO. It’s also good when in the store to find a product location. Problem is that the click 2 go app doesn’t seem to be updated to conditions at the store I’m shopping even though it knows which store that is. If the commissary store is out of stock it doesn’t seem to know that. Also there are frequently errors in the information about a product. I have often seen conflicting information on the same page of description of a product with no way to provide feedback to the app. It also has trouble finding a product that you don’t know how it is listed or misspell. Put in “Ground Bef” and it doesn’t have a clue that you might want ground beef. Walmart does. Having said all of that it is a big improvement over trying to remember the prices of everything in the Commissary it’s even good if you can deal with the workarounds. But, it really does need improvement.
Also the fruit and vegetable section really needs help. I know people who don’t shop the commissary just because of this.
I know this response sounds like I don’t like the commissary but if that were true I wouldn’t have spent the time and effort to even write this response. I think it’s great but improvement is always welcome.
So how do I go about getting a Veteran Health identification card? I am a 50 percent disabled veteran.
Do not sell items owned/solded by China.
Why can’t veterans that are not disabled use the commissary? We served our country just as everyone else has, but do not have this privilege.
Should be open to all veterans who served in theater of operations during war
Fresher and better quality of fruits,vegetables. Improve flyer information and corrections done at time of purchase not having to go back later date . Cashiers not very informative,or educated on sale items.
I print Kellogg’s coupons from their website. They seldom offer coupons in our Sunday paper. When I ues them at the PSFB commissary, they will only allow 1 coupon per trip through the register. My local Publix, Winn Dixie and Walmart will accept 5-6 coupons per trip through the register. WHY, ONLY ONE (1)? I drive 80 miles one way to the Commissary from Pt St Lucie, 3 hours of driving per round trip. Why should I waste my time and gas for this kind of service? As a 22 year veteran, I feel I deserve to be treated better then this when using my coupons. I pay more, but save time and money and gas when I can use multiple printed coupons at my local stores, AND. I get no benefits being a Veteran here. Looking forward to your response, thank you. Joseph Sexton, MSG, USA, Retired.????
I love shopping at the commissary. The reason I choose to shop out in town is because the store brand items and sale items are usually priced lower out in town. I also coupon. The coupons often do not work, and they will not honor the coupon despite all the criteria being met. I never have issues with my coupons working at CVS or Ralph’s. I never need assistance from the cashier. Also, the pricing on the shelves is often wrong or not displayed making it hard to stick within my budget. I love to hear that changes are being made, and would much rather frequent the commissary.
If you raise the surcharge, you will lose customers. Many times when I am shopping the commissary I hear “I can get that cheaper at Walmart.” from other patrons. Soaring gas, food and housing prices have put our military families in a tight spot. We depend on the lower prices at the commissary to help stretch our already paper thin budget. Congress has no problem coughing up BILLIONS of $$$ for people in other countries, but the CEO of DeCA cannot ask Congress to help our own men and women that have served and are currently serving faithfully? I believe you can and should do better.
There times that item are not in stock . When you ask when the item will be in stock again the answer is well when ever they sent them. There are some times that have expired and are still on the shelves. You going to stock more item a better job will have to be done. You want to increase the sir charge to 10% more people will shop at the regulars .
Possibly adding an extra sidewalk sale. I’m thankful that DAV has these privileges. I’ve been going to Barksdale AFB since Jan 2020. That’s a nice clean commissary.
Bring back Little Debbie’s.I go to local grocery every 2cweeks and restock.Do not like bran in comm.
I would love to see the commissary open to the civilian workforce again.
I would like to see a larger section for the BIBIGO Chicken and Veggie Dumplings. The only item in the case is Pork and Veggie Dumplings. It seems that the Chicken & Veggie Dumplings are more popular. The other item you no longer have is the PROPEL FLAVORED WATER. You seem to be the only store that had the Black Cherry Watermelon flavors. I can’t seem to get them in the civilian stores. I had a Bariatric Bypass due to cancer and it is the only flavors I like as it is the only kind of water I can drink. I’ve tried others but got very sick. My life consists of BLACK CHERRY, WATERMELON, & STRAWBERRY KIWI in that order. The last item I would like to see is Lactaid Ice Cream all flavors. My family is lactose intolerant. I am sure there are young children that are lactose intolerant that live on HAFB too. I would like to THANK YOU for offering a2 Milk, I have to have that because it’s easy for me to digest. Sores such as Stop-n-Shop and Shaw’s only purchase approximately 6 cartons, so when I need it, I can never get it. I actually have to order it ahead of time from the stores. So again, THANK YOU very much for putting more than 6 cartons on you shelf.
HAFB also has the most pleasant STAFF, from the Store Manager, down to the cashiers, baggers, Produce, Deli to the Stockers. Again, I say THANK YOU From SFC Bradeen David & Family. David is a 31 year disabled Veteran. He served in the Army and then in the Army National Guards.
Supposed to be “tax free” and calls it a “surcharge” instead so stupid screw these politicians.
Increase the amount of coupons thru out of the commissary.
Why not allow all honorably discharged veterans who have a U.S. Veterans Card from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs we use for our Medical Services, with the VA, with our photo on it, shop the Commissary. We were on active duty in the US Marines for five years during the Korean War Era, and three years after our active duty time in the inactive reserves. Which compleated our 8 years of U.S. Marine Military Service. There are a lot of us non disabled honorably discharged Veterans and our Spouses out there, who would shop the commissary, big time. . .
Civilian DECA employees retiring with 20+ years able to shop in the commissary.
I haven’t been to the commissary in the last six months. However, after the commissary was re-modeled the commissary no longer has the tables where patrons can sit and wait for spouse or cut coupons or just take a break. I did hear numerous complaints and I complained as well.
I place an order for delivery once a week at Walmart’s because my car has been wrecked for a while. I would GLADLY place it with the commissary, but the local commissary doesn’t offer delivery. I imagine setting up a home delivery operation is complicated and costly, but it would be a convenience for some.
Great article. Now that civilians can use the exchange they should also be able to use the commissary. It will help increase sales
Yes. I recently went to the commissary & was NOT able to check out because I am not a disabled Veteran !
I was so disappointed because I AM a Marine Corp Veteran with 6 Years of Active Service.
IAm still upset !
If they want to increase sales they should allow disabled veterans overseas to shop at their commissaries. Many retirees and disabled are banned from using the facilities overseas due to SOFA agreement’s. It’s time to amend these agreement’s.
I first and foremost DO NOT want to see the surcharge raised. I feel like it is high enough. As it stands, the ONLY benefit in shopping at the commissary is the savings on eggs, other dairy products, bread and products that I can’t get from local grocery stores. When I have purchased groceries from local grocery stores and purchased the same similar size and quantity groceries from the commissary I am finding the prices within pennies once the surcharge is added. We love the idea of extending the hours of operation because on late nights at work does not make it possible to shop at the commissary. We love the subs we are able to get from the deli but there is only so many subs you can eat before you are tired of subs so we would definitely like to see a fresh salad bar and hot food bar added. I think both would be beneficial for everyone for breakfast, lunch and dinner breaks as well as for those who don’t have the time or ability to cook for themselves.
Good to hear about the changes for the commissary
I appreciate the products and service at the commissary.
As the spouse of a disabled Veteran, I have access to the Commissary at Naval Station Norfolk. We went grocery shopping there last week and I was underwhelmed. It is a 30 minute drive for us. I cannot afford the prices there or at the NEX. It is much more affordable at our local Food Lion and Walmart or Target stores and they bag my groceries.
I would like my commissary to have food that isn’t always moldy or full of insects. Their produce is notoriously bad.
As a honorably discharged veteran living in Hampton Roads, i would appreciate the opportunity to shop at a commisary. I have a VA medical access card (no disability) so i can acces Ft. Eustis but dont have shopping privileges. Thank you.
I’m trying to get a job a commissary on cb base Gulfport Ms . I’m a disabled veteran . But I worked there years ago I was going through some rough times and I was a crappy employee but now I’ve been a good employee at another location and would like to try and get a job at commissary again preferably stocker again please
Why doesn’t DeCA offer the commissary benefit to its “DeCA” civilian workforce and retirees? While working for DeCA for 21 years, it was often discussed that DeCA civilian employees should receive the commissary benefit. It never happened. What about now? Without the civilian workforce, it would have been difficult for the commissary system to operate. DeCA retirees should also receive recognition.
As a veteran I can now use the PX and get on base with my Veterans health identification card but not the commissary. I would like to have veterans eligible to shop at the commisary.
I work in the supermarket business for 30 years. More shoppers, more sales.
Why can’t the wives of disabled veterans be allowed to go also, more money would be soent
Please open it up to GS civilians as the PX did years ago. As someone who has served AD service members for 12 years in a hospital on an Army base I feel like I paid my dues without recognition. 🙁
Currently commissary prices are about the same amount more than in the civilian community, consequently increase savings with the mark of Peppa Pig. Any convenience in the cost savings for the patriots. Prepared meals sounds like a good idea however, I would like to see what the prepared meals look like. The times I have used hey and go in this Lillian community I found it convenient so if the commissary can duplicate that service is so good idea.
In florida there is no tax on food. That is one deterrent. Lack
Of products in shelf.
Products are always empty. Deterrent #2
The surcharge deterrent #3
You will drive more customers away. Especially In Florida .
See deterrent #2
The price of fresh meat. I can go to publix and get fresh
Cut meat cheaper..
I would suggest getting the vendors to cut prices by adding more coupons. There was a time approximately
10 or so years ago
coupons s
We’re always available. Now? Rarely.
Case lot sales. Have not seen any, except
Small sidewalk sales
prices not much better then regular price.
Guess it has been lost somewhere that
The bigger you order from the vendor the better price you get to sell it at.
Just a few things in my thoughts
I can shop in the Bx, but not the commissary. Can you explain? Thank you
The freedom commissary brand is not good quality in the canned fruits & vegetables. Doesn’t save money when you can’t eat it. Same for frozen vegetables.
They need local markets like Walmart in order to compete. I see especially here in El Paso a large % of active duty personnel at Walmart. I inquired in casual conversations why they choose Walmart over the Commissary the majority stated price and then convenience.
I want lower prices than what is offered on the “outside” – I think that’s only right. It shouldn’t be cheaper to shop at Costco or Walmart. Disagree with increasing surcharges. If you truly want to serve the the military members, help them with savings at the commissary. I live amongst retired military who say they won’t shop at the commissary because it’s cheaper at Costco. That just shouldn’t be.
Michelle, I’m a retired Navy person and constantly shop at Great Lakes, Il. I would like the commissary to start selling beef bacon and also prepared meals would be awesome.
Would be nice if it was available to all Veteran’s including National Guard Veterans as well.
This article is all and good but if our shelves are bare, at times it requires going to another store to complete our list.
I would like to see more organic produce.
Thank you for publishing this article. In addition to being a military family, I volunteer at the USO, and I like to pass on information to those that come through our facilities. Thanks again we appreciate you.
Once again pass the cost on to the consumer. Every one in business has taken this same approach. Most consumers are at their breaking point financially. When us it going to stop??♂️
I have used the veteran equal base access under the patronage act as a disabled veteran but here a few problems with it. Our spouses are treated as visitors and have to get registered and screened for usually only a one day pass. Not all of these visitor control centers were a pleasant experience. One made us show our passports like EVERETT NAVAL BASE. For a one day pass just to go shopping at a ship store?
And on Ellington Field, I was told I had no escorting privileges and my previously registered spouse was no longer allowed access. . How does this help in gaining more base shopping customers? I am 61. Is someone at 70 years old and up going to deal with these hurdles? Especially with disabilities? And what if we want to stay 3 nights on base in a lodging? I have to register my wife every day for a new visitors pass? Kind of hard to plan this way. Especially when information about anything is scant. How about a better base access information delivery tool online? How about better outreach instead of hurdles and obstacles?
Give our spouses equal access when accompanying the disabled veteran and make the pass last as long as the veterans access last. When I go on base and I get my wife in as I did at several bases like Randolph and Fort Cavazos, we spend lots of money easily between px and commissary.
I understand security issues but unless they find a better method, the commissary is leaving lots of money on the table with their ridiculous hurdles and obstacles as mentioned above.
Why the surcharge or service charge? It many times offsets the savings. Also if we choose to take out our own groceries the helpers get upset.
Just two of my concerns at Travis AFB CA
It would be nice if the commissary had what was called in the old days ” A single soldier” section. Those of us that are older and only feeding two would really appreciate smaller cuts of meat.
I would like to see some southern foods like liver mush at Minot AFB
What about the Gold Star families entitled to? I’m a Gold Star parent my son killed in Iraq war.
Take OTC
The worst thing the commissary did was get their own brand.
I can not see how that has saved any money at all.
Are their coupons for commissary brands?
Does the commissary get any money’s returned for damaged products? Any
Vendor credit for perishable products that go out of date.?
In my opinion this was one of the worst ideas deca has done
The commissary that I use to go to was closed. Now I am over a 100 miles away from one. That is a problem I am sure for many other people, I did not know about the online option for shopping. I would be interested in that.. and what is available for shipping.
Thank you
Auto entry of email is not correct. It always auto enters on my PC. I have not been able to correct it
Make yr DECA rewards card easier to use. I’ve tried to reregister my card since it wasn’t working. But it was so difficult I gave up. When I tried to register for a new card the system was very cumbersome. Also trying to get to the coupons to clip was difficult. It is no wonder why people are not using it.
I no longer shop at the commissary because I issues with mobility. Even if i could find a handicap spot close to the sidewalk it is a long walk from the parking lot to where the electric carts were and it is often hard to find a shopping buggy close by to assist in that walk.
I’m a Gold Star Wife. I shop at the Commissary. Why do those at the VA Office ignore calls?
Think! A Widow does not need a sandwich pack of meat that is ONE POUND! The Buddigs are not on the shelves. One Buddig pack is good for two sandwiches.
The way the Pantene Gold shampoo products have been “removed”. I see it as racist. I’ve emailed the address on the bottom of my receipt. The response I consider, “racist”.
Increased allergy, friendly options. I’m talking about gluten free, dairy, free, nut, free options. I tried contacting my Commissary to see if it would carry the Breyers dairy, free ice cream, but they said that’s not an option. I asked about more gluten-free cereals and snack bars that didn’t contain nuts and seeds. I was told that wasn’t an option either this is the main reason the end of shopping at other stores, it’s because they have more of these options available.