The Navy will now be the service with potentially the oldest enlisted recruits. The Navy has increased the latest age of enlistment to 41 in November, as long as the enlisted person reports to the training before their 42nd birthday. This beats out the US Army, which has a cutoff age of 39. The Air Force and Space Force maximum age of enlistment up to age 39. The Marine Corps maximum age of enlistment of age 28.
The minimum and maximum ages for enlistment are not set by the military branches themselves specifically. Congress sets the ages through the National Defense Authorization Act. In 1968, the minimum age for men was no younger than 17 (but needed parental permission for those under 18 years old) and no older than 35 years old. The minimum age for women is age 18, with parental permission required if under age 21 per Public Law 90-235.
Prior to this change, the Army upped its maximum enlisted age to 42 in 2006 with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006. This came after the Army requested an increase in age through a Pentagon report in 2005. With the mandatory retirement age of 62, joining the services at age 42 would allow for 20 years of service before retirement. However, in 2011 the Army returned to its previous age limit to age 35.
The reason for the change? Navy Recruiting Command made a statement about the change. Cmdr David Benham, the spokesperson for Navy Recruiting Command, stated that this change would “widen the pool of potential recruits, creating opportunities for personnel who wish to serve, but were previously unable due to age.
According to the Council of Foreign Relations, in 2018, the Army had the largest group of service members over the age of 45 of all the service branches, with the Coast Guard close behind, then the Navy and Air Force, with the Marine Corps last.
Time will tell how much this changes the enlisted recruitment for the services.