October 1st came, and BAM! It was time for Halloween. Your social media has been filled with images of pumpkins, spooky decorations, and costume ideas. You may be planning a countdown to Halloween complete with daily spooky activities. Halloween spirit is all around us. While costume parades and traditional trick-or-treating may be canceled in 2020, it’s nice to see the spooky spirit continue in other creative ways.
Want a sweet way to share the spooky spirit beyond your immediate community? Maybe you bought Halloween candy with the hope of trick or treating, but it has been canceled in your area. Or in wanting to keep a semblance of normalcy for 2020, you are planning on buying candy even if you don’t have an immediate need. What can you do with that excess Halloween candy? You can treat the troops!
Soldiers’ Angels Treat for Troops program is a candy collection program just for Halloween! Businesses like dentist offices or churches typically collect candy from families in their area in exchange for prizes and then send the candy to the Soldiers’ Angels. Soldier’s Angels then collects all the sent in candy and sends it to troops overseas. While families may not have excess candy this year, they can still donate candy to businesses designated as drop off sites near them.
Want to donate your candy to Treats for Troops?
To find a business near you that is a collection site for Treat for Troops, check here. There is an interactive map of the United States, or you can search by zip code. When you search by zip code, it is just looking for businesses within your zip code and not close by, so it is easiest to search on the map by zooming into your area. Families that bring in the candy to be dropped off are typically awarded buyback prizes for every pound brought in. In previous years, businesses have offered toothbrushes, gift cards, stickers, art supplies, and even cash!
The interactive map is the best way to search for a site near you. If you are unable to find a drop off location near you, you can mail the donation to Soldiers’ Angels directly at 2895 NE Loop, Suite 107, San Antonio, RX 78218.
What candy can be donated?
- Unopened, individually wrapped candy
- Small bags of loose candy like jelly beans or candy corn
- Chocolate, and no it doesn’t have to separated
What candy is not accepted?
- Handmade candy
- Homemade treats
- Baked goods – store-bought or homemade
When to donate?
Most donation drop-off sites accept candy through the first week of November. Perfect for post-Halloween festivities! Check the drop-off site nearest you for their information.
Do you have a business or know someone a business that would be perfect for a drop off site for Treats for Troops?
Businesses who want to be a Treats for Troops drop-off site must register online with Soldiers’ Angels here. All candy collected by the business must be shipped to the San Antonio, TX location of Soldier’s Angels, and their address is provided to the business once they register as a drop off-site. Businesses are responsible for buying their own buyback prizes.
So, if you don’t goblin up all your candy (haha – get it?), you can send it off to sweeten another person’s day!

Heather Walsh is a mom, Marine wife, Navy child, blogger, and lover of all things crafty and Disney. Professionally, she is a Physician Assistant and writer and has a passion for helping others to stay positive and supported. She has been writing since KidPix was on a floppy disk! She is one of three women who founded MilMomAdventures, sharing travel and lifestyle tips for the military family at www.milmomadventures.com . When she isn’t crafting with her kiddos, going on the next adventure, or writing for MilMomAdventures, she has contributed to NextGen MilSpouse, Daily Mom Military and Military Disney Tips while reheating her first cup of coffee for the tenth time.