Military children weather a lot of storms: deployments, frequent moves, making new friends all the time, long separations from parents and family. April, Month of the Military Child, gives all of us a chance to share your child’s resilience and courage!
In support of the National Month of the Military Child, Military Shoppers News is proud to shine the (purple) spotlight on your military child or children.
Share Your Military Child’s Story of Resilience & Courage
Too often the stories of military kids get lost or glossed over, the thanks going to the serving parent or the military spouse.
Not this April!
All of March, we’re collecting stories – from you and your kids. Nothing fancy, just snapshots of their lives as military kids.
Tell about a time when:
- your military child overcame an obstacle unique to military life
- they showed resilience in the face of a long deployment
- your child was able to see the silver lining in a tough situation
- military life helped to mold your child’s character for the better
- your military child stepped up to serve their community
Or anything else special, wonderful and amazing about your military child. Which covers pretty much everything, really.
Entering Military Shoppers News’ Month of the Military Child Contest
There’s nothing to mail in, just a quick online submission form.
When entering, please keep the following in mind:
- this contest is designed to honor military kids up to age 18
- any military-connected child is eligible – veteran, AD, reserve, Guard, retired
- be honest and real – we love a heartfelt story!
Please use the form at the bottom of this article to enter. It has everything you need – including the waivers and consent forms.
All submissions must be received by March 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. E.D.T. to be eligible for publication and prizes in this contest. If your essay is selected, you’ll be notified in early April, prior to publication of your child’s story and image.
By entering, you’re agreeing to:
- have your story edited for publication, if selected
- share your minor child’s photo online, including social media
- share your child’s name online, including on social media
To enter, you’ll need to upload an original image of your child and/or your family, including the serving parent. If you plan to use a professional photo, make sure you have a signed photo release from the photographer or contact that person to obtain consent.
You’ll also need to upload your original essay. Please ensure that no part of this has appeared in print or been submitted elsewhere for possible publication.
When you submit, you’re agreeing to have your photo and essay edited and published by Military Shoppers.

How We’re Honoring Your Military Children
Throughout the month of April, your stories are going to be featured right here on Military Shoppers News and shared all over our social media pages.
Your child’s story of courage and resilience will be in the spotlight!
But wait, there’s more.
At the end of April, three stories will be selected as prize winners and each featured one week in April!
Just by entering, you’re eligible to win a $100 Amazon gift card!
Three winners will be selected by Military Shoppers News on April 1, 2020. Each winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card courtesy of Military Shoppers News. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. E.D.T.
The final winners will be announced on Military Shoppers News, and our social media channels on Facebook and via email broadcast.
To be eligible to win, you must be a legal resident of the US with one or more parents who are currently serving, are currently in the reserve or Guard, or who have previously served during the child’s life and are now retired or have EASed from active service.
Children must be under 18 at the time of submission and must have been born during the military service member’s active duty service or during activated reserve or Guard service.
To submit, you must be 18 or older. Anyone connected to the military child may nominate a child. One entry per child please. Multiple submissions for a single child will not be considered. Teachers, parents, neighbors, siblings and other family members may all nominate a military child by submitting a story and photo.
For full eligibility and contest rules, please fully review the fine print on the submission form.
We can’t wait to share your child’s story in April!