The increase in housing costs is felt the United States-wide. Military families that have crisscrossed the country have navigated a uniquely highly priced rental market, especially in areas where more affordable military housing is unavailable due to being at full capacity. The choice for many families was to find smaller housing than needed their families or meant a longer commute to the military members’ jobs. One military family shared they moved their family of 6 into a two-bedroom apartment under 1000 sq feet. The military family member shared that the apartment was within $100 of their BAH but still over their BAH amount. For many military families, it felt like the military leadership of the DOD was unaware of the financial burden felt by families. The Secretary of the Department of Defense released a press release that included a temporary BAH increase for 28 military areas.
- 28 areas include:
- Vandenberg AFB, California
- 29 Palms MCS, California
- Dover AFB/Rehoboth, Delaware
- Patrick AFB, Florida
- Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- Orlando, Florida
- West Palm Beach, Florida
- Volusia County, Florida
- Fort Myers Beach, Florida
- Kings Bay/Brunswick, Georgia
- Maui County, Hawaii
- Chicago, Illinois
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Cape Cod/Plymouth, Massachusetts
- Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
- Brunswick, Maine
- Coast Maine
- Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
- Helena, Montana
- Wilmington, North Carlina
- Northern New Jersey
- Newport, Rhode Island
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Beaufort/Parris Island, South Carolina
- Knoxville, Tennessee
- Houston, Texas
- Quantico/Woodbridge, Virginia
The BAH increase will go into effect in October 2022. It does not state if it will be in October 1, 2022, or October 15, 2022 paycheck. The areas chosen based on these areas experiencing “an average of more than 20 percent spike in rental housing costs this year above this year’s BAH rates,” per the press release.
Check for the amount through this link here and select “2022 Increased rates.” Like all BAH rates, there is a difference between with and without dependents.
This temporary increase will be in effect from October 1, 2022, through 2022. The 2023 BAH rates have not been released. The thinking is that the prices will stay the same, but there is no guarantee. The 2023 BAH rates have traditionally been released in November of the year prior. Look for an update on BAH rates here!
Hi. Is this benefit for active duty military ?
Retirees are experiencing this as well.