Sidewalk Sale Savings Coming to a Commissary Near You!
Commissary patrons stateside can stock up on their favorite items at significant savings during the Defense Commissary Agency’s Sidewalk Sales event throughout the month of May.
Sidewalk sales will offer extra savings on a variety of everyday products. Most stateside commissaries will hold these sales for three or four days, weather permitting.
Find out more on your commissary website page for sale dates and hours or talk to your store manager for more details.
We’ll see you at the commissary!
Check out your Commissary’s sidewalk sale dates here
*Dates subject to change
William Sims says
C Woodell says
Went to the Keesler AFB sale this past week. What a waste! The biggest/best thing at the “sale” was the sign that said they had a sidewalk sale going on. Nothing on the sidewalk, nothing in a tent in the parking lot as was done some years ago. Inside the main entrance there were a few things marked as sale items. Seemed to be mostly noodle things, Ramen like things. Nothing like the sidewalk/case sales of old. I still use the commissary extensively because it is cheaper overall than. local stores. But just barely. It’s really a shame that this prime benefit has turned into just a so so better deal than Walmart.