Defense Commissary Agency
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Release Number: 62-19
Date: August 5 2019
Media Contact: Kevin L. Robinson, public affairs specialist
Tel.: (804) 734-8000, Ext. 4-8773
E-mail: kevin.robinson@deca.mil
Ready for some football?
Shop the commissary to save on tasty items needed for your watch party or tailgating event
By Rick Brink,
DeCA public affairs specialist
Note: Go to the DeCA website to see the news release online.
FORT LEE, Va. – You name it – from brats, wings and steaks, to chips, drinks and fresh vegetables – your commissary has what you need to make your football tailgate or watch party so memorable that you won’t care if your team wins or loses.
Well, it might not take away the sting of a loss, but it will relieve some of the burden put on your wallet to buy so much food.
“Commissary shoppers have a variety of tastes and traditions when it comes to tailgating and football watch parties. We have what they’re looking for at prices that bring greater enjoyment because they’re spending less for more,” said Tracie Russ, the Defense Commissary Agency’s director of sales.
“And we have what fits their lifestyle,” Russ added. “Whether it’s cooking from scratch, or heating up pre-cooked frozen items, we have it at their commissary.”
Here’s a simple checklist of things to look for at your commissary:
- Meat – from fresh to frozen, you’ll find a wide variety of chicken, hamburger, steaks, brats luncheon meats and pre-cooked meats.
- Fruits and veggies – out of the bin or in platters made to order, commissaries are loaded with produce fare to augment that main menu.
- Beverages – from water to juice to soft drinks, commissaries have something for everybody’s taste buds.
- Snacks, sides and condiments – any grocery store worth its salt has what it takes to fill a bowl or two with just about any type of salad you can think about, and then there’s a tremendous variety of salty snacks and dips to go with them. Don’t forget condiments and sauces.
- Paper plates, napkins and utensils – who wants to do dishes after having a blast? Also, get your garbage bags so you won’t leave a mess behind.
- Sunscreen – even if your tailgate has shade or a canopy, you’ll want to take measures to avoid getting sunburnt.

DeCA reminds patrons they can also save on their tailgating supplies by visiting commissaries.com for online access to digital coupons via the Commissary Rewards Card, current sales promotions, information on commissary brands, the current sales flyer, the Your Everyday Savings (YES!) program and more.
Plus, throughout the month, military commissaries are offering discounts beyond everyday savings, especially in displays at the ends of the aisles, where stores showcase products with extra-low prices.