It’s hard to believe three years have gone by so fast! As I rummage through closets full of clothes and mountains of toys, I have my garbage bags handy as I decide to toss or keep the plethora of items we’ve accumulated over the years.
The joys of PCS-sing; we either hate or love it! On the one hand, we get to move to a new place which marks an exciting new chapter and few years ahead. But, on the other, there is no escaping the dreaded moving day, when your home no longer looks like yours, but instead, resembles a ransacked warehouse!

But as I reflect on my time here at JBSA, it also marks an important milestone for me as a writer. It has been three years since I’ve written and published my, Reclamation series (Books 1, 2, and 3). I also recall vividly asking myself if I was crazy – why would I even think about publishing a book? Why would anyone read it? Why should I waste time on something that might flop, risking embarrassment?
There were many other crippling thoughts that came at me, like bullets down a range, but I quickly dismissed them and decided to look at the, what if’s? What if I write this book and it turns out to be a best seller? What if, I discover that I really love writing and decide to do it full time? And, what if I wrote fulltime generating revenue, adding to my family’s income?
I decided to go with my gut feeling and published my novel series; it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Though I haven’t made it on the best seller’s list, as yet, today I’m a published author with several books in the making.
A few take-aways from this story: cease every opportunity for growth, and never underestimate what you’re capable of accomplishing. Always explore opportunities that can turn into streams of income – you never know if your ideas or talent could help others, and better yet, why not make money while spreading your knowledge – it’s a win-win situation for all!
Thanks so much for reading, until next time!
Lei Faircloth

Lei Faircloth writes fiction under the penname: Sophie L. Osborne. To learn more about her, visit: