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FAQ:  Terms used

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A browser is a software application that is used to interact with the Internet/Web. The most common browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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A cookie is a small text file created by a browser to store login information. This will store your e-mail address and password so that you don't have to remember it each time you enter the site.

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Your password is whatever you choose to enter in the password field when you register with You can log on to by entering your e-mail address and password. This is not case sensitive.

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Restarting your browser means exiting or quitting your browser and starting it again. This may be necessary in order for certain changes to take effect. You do NOT need to turn off or restart your computer to restart your browser.

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Information that can be read and understood without using any special devices or measures is called plaintext.  Plaintext can be disguised in such a way as to hide its substance and prevent others from understanding its true meaning.  The process used to accomplish this is called encryption.

When plaintext is encrypted, each letter or number in the word to be encrypted is replaced with a different letter, number or printable character resulting in a new string of characters that is not legible to anyone. (For example, the word "encrypt" might be changed to look like this: ¡Óx#p¦L.)

The encryption process is used to protect information from being read and understood by those for whom it is not intended. For orders that require a credit card, will encrypt your credit card information the moment you submit your order and will transmit your information securely for order fulfillment.

Your password is also encrypted.

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