Utilizing your commissary benefit is an easy and quick way to save money on groceries each month. There is however, another way to compound those commissary savings by utilizing an awesome program now available at your local commissary. The commissary rewards card provides additional means for extra savings at the commissary on base. Saving money on your groceries has never been easier for military personnel and their families.
The commissary rewards card is a free, easy way to maximize commissary savings and use coupons at commissaries worldwide. Starting your commissary rewards card savings is easy!
Here’s how:
- Visit your local commissary and pick up your free commissary rewards card.
- Register your card and use the commissary rewards login to load coupons for your favorite products on to your commissary rewards card online.
- Once the coupons are loaded onto your commissary rewards card, start shopping! Scan your commissary rewards card at checkout and the savings has begun!
Don’t forget…
Commissary rewards card coupons are convenient, however like regular coupons, they have stipulations that must be followed for redemption, as well as expiration dates.
The commissary rewards card may include additional features in the future. Follow MilitaryShoppers.com for any new updates and information pertaining to the commissary rewards card.
We just love the savings offered at your local commissary and you will too, especially when you employ your Commissary Rewards Card and printable coupons available now.
Pick up your Commissary Rewards Card, register and login to start your Commissary savings today!