We should always take our health seriously, but sometimes we’re on the fence about what to do. For example, what if it’s been a week and you can’t beat that terrible cough. Do you need to go to the doctor?
For those that need more guidance, Tricare beneficiaries have the opportunity to reach out to a health care professional no matter what time of day on any day of the week with the Tricare Nurse Advice Line. To reach the Nurse Advice Line, call 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273) and press option 1.
The team of registered nurses at the other end of the line are ready to help families with whatever health concerns you have and can lead you in the right direction for self-care or assist you in scheduling an appointment at the correct medical facility.
The Tricare Nurse Advice Line supports a majority of Tricare beneficiaries, including Alaska and Hawaii. Eligible Tricare beneficiaries include:
- Tricare Prime
- Tricare Prime Remote (TPR)
- Tricare Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members (TPRADFM)
- Tricare Standard
- Tricare Extra
- Tricare Reserve Select (TRS)
- Tricare Retired Reserve (TRR)
- Tricare Young Adult (TYA)
- Tricare For Life (TFL)
Please keep in mind that those enrolled in the US Family Health Plan can’t utilize the Nurse Advice Line. Also, if you’re on Tricare Overseas Program (TOP) traveling to the United States, you can call the Nurse Advice Line for medical advice, but if in-person care is recommended, you need to call your TOP Regional Call Center first.
I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to keep your information updated in DEERS. That will help the staff of the Nurse Advice Line to either, make sure you qualify, give you sound medical advice and to direct you to the proper care at your current location.
My suggestion above is a great example on how the Tricare Nurse Advice Line can help guide you to care for yourself appropriately. I don’t know what it is, but I routinely acquire a cough at the change of seasons. Typically, it goes away after a handful of days, but every once in a while it evolves to a sinus infection. Before making the effort to schedule an appointment with my PCM, I can call the Advice Line to discuss my symptoms with a nurse.
How else can the Tricare Nurse Advice Line help you?
The Tricare Nurse Advice Line is not only wonderful for you to get the guidance for any ailments that come your way, you can call it to discuss any questions regarding your children’s health too. Children seem to come up with all kinds of different issues that parents may not know how to handle, especially if it’s never came up before.
For example, your toddler has lice and you have no idea what to do. The Nurse Advice Line can pass along the tools needed to combat this new and acute annoyance. If there is anything else bugging your little ones, the Nurse Advice Line can assist you.
It’s requested that your child be present at the time of the call. That will allow the nurse to get the most accurate information. Also, you can request the nurse to check in on your child to make sure things are progressing positively.
When shouldn’t you use the Tricare Nurse Advice Line?
If it’s really something that needs immediate attention, call 911 or get yourself or your family member to the emergency room at your nearest medical facility. Most of the time, those situations can be gauged at the moment.
For example, you believe your child broke a bone. Don’t pick up the phone, take them to the ER as soon as possible. Since the Nurse Advice Line is 24/7, they could also encourage you to head to the emergency room ASAP, but don’t hesitate.