Vegetable Beef Soup Recipe

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Vegetable Beef Soup

Name: Miriam Goeddaeus
Base: MacDill AFB, Tampa,Florida
Recipe: 1 lb ground chuck. 1 medium onion chopped. 2 cans tomatoes. 2 cans veg all. Seasoned salt, lemon pepper, a little garlic salt, Worcester sauce all to taste. Put meat and onion in dutch oven and cook stirring to keep in small pieces so the meat will be through the soup. Cook until meat changes color, add all seasonings then the tomatoes. When it starts boiling, turn heat down. Cook on low for a while then add the veg all. When it is boiling, turn down to simmer until ready to serve. If you want put in slow cooker and let simmer for 4 to 6 hours. Makes the house smell good.