Creamy Ranch & Pineapple Quesadillas Recipe

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Creamy Ranch & Pineapple Quesadillas

Name: Jenn Miller
Base: Fort Belvoir
Recipe: Ingredients 1 cup chopped pineapple 4 tortillas, of any brand 2 cups chopped chicken breasts 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese 3 tablespoons Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dressing 2 teaspoons onion powder 2 teaspoons pepper 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 cup olive oil . Directions 1.Heat frying pan with 1/4 cup olive oil, mixed with the pepper, salt, and onion powder. 2.Thoroughly cook cubed chicken 7-8 minutes Add extra pinches of spices where you see fit. 3.Meanwhile, prepare tortillas by adding a bed of sharp cheddar, followed by dollops of ranch in the center and around the edges. Add chopped pineapples to taste. 4.When chicken is finished, add chicken to both tortilla set-ups. Then add more cheddar and and ranch (southwest ranch would be awesome here!) around the edges as a sealant. Place 3rd and 4th tortillas ontop to finish. 5.Add quesadillas to same frying pan; do not clean off, taste from chicken cooking must remain. "Fry" on either side until cheese has melted. Cut into 4 squares and serve!