Risotto with green aspargues and pistacios Recipe

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Risotto with green aspargues and pistacios

Name: Annelore Ramsey
Base: Dm AirForce Tucson
Recipe: 4 cups vegetable broth 1 cup white wine 1/4 cup oliveoil 1 onion in small cubes 1 pound risotto rice (arborio rice) 1/2 pound green aspargues 7 oz parmesan cheese finely grated 3 oz pistacios Boil broth and wine in a big pot then keep it warm at low heat in a second pot heat olive oil at medium heat add onion for 3 minthen add rice untilit is a little see through add 1/2 cup of the broth/white wine and stir on medium heat until the broth is soaked by the rice the repeat until all the broth is gone and the rice is soft and creamy 5min before the rice is done put in the aspargues take it off the stove let it sit for 2 min then add the cheese stir may add some salt and pepper sprinkle pistacios and serve