Camping recipe's #2, Spinach and Cheese stuffed mu Recipe

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Camping recipe's #2, Spinach and Cheese stuffed mu

Name: Victoria Tristan
Base: NAS Whidbey Island
Recipe: Ingredients 8 small portobello mushrooms 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 nine-ounce package frozen chopped spinach, cooked and drained 1 container goat cheese (5.3-ounce) with garlic and herbs, or Boursin cheese 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic Sea salt Freshly ground black pepper *perfect for grilling out doors Procedures 1 Clean mushrooms and remove gills using a spoon. Brush all over with olive oil and set aside. 2 Light a chimney 3/4 full of charcoal. While the fire is lighting, mix the spinach, cheese, and garlic together in a bowl to make the filling. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Stuff each mushroom with a generous portion of the filling. 3 When charcoal is fully lit and covered in gray ash, pour coals out and arrange them on one side of the charcoal grate, keeping the other side empty. Clean and oil the cooking grate. Place the mushrooms on the cool side of the grill, stuffed side up, cover, and cook until filling is bubbling and the mushrooms are well seared, about 20 minutes. Remove from grill and serve immediately.