Anything Goes Pasta Salad Recipe

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Anything Goes Pasta Salad

Name: Kelly Foshee
Base: Join Base Elmendorf Richardson
Recipe: Ingredients: 1 box multi colored rotini pasta 1 package ranch dressing mix 1 cup milk 1 cup mayo mix-in suggestions: The options are limitless. veggies: chopped carrots, finely chopped onion, chopped bell pepper, chopped tomatoes, chopped broccoli, chopped celery, peas fruit: chopped apples, grapes, craisins, nuts (I use craisin nut and fruit mix) meat: cooked chopped chicken,chopped ham, bacon bits These are only suggestions,use whatever suits your taste...Anything goes Prepare pasta according to package directions. Prepare ranch dressing mix using 1 cup milk and 1 cup mayo. Mix Pasta and the mix-ins you desire. Pour enough dressing over pasta to moisten, about 3/4 cup. Use more or less to reach your desired consistency. This salad is great the second day and can be changed by adding new mix-ins.