Quick Chicken Curry Recipe

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Quick Chicken Curry

Name: Deborah Mitchell
Base: NASJRB New Orleans
Recipe: 1 lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast 1 whole each green and red bell pepper 1/2 yellow onion 1 TBS chopped garlic 1/2 tsp each (or to taste): salt, pepper, cayanne pepper, thyme, parsley, oragano, cinnamon, and nutmeg. 1 - 2 tsp curry powder olive oil water Couscous or rice Avacado and tomato (optional) Cut chicken, bell peppers, and onion into slices. Caramalize veggies in a little olive oil, then add chicken, garlic, and brown. When brown, add all the spices and mix well. Add a little water to de-glaze the pan and make a sauce. Add as little or as much water as you would like. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve over couscous or rice. Top with avacado and tomato if desired. This recipe is fast, easy, and healthy.