Vegetable Dip w/ baked Pita Crisps Recipe

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Vegetable Dip w/ baked Pita Crisps

Name: wendy turner
Base: Willow Grove WGJRB
Recipe: Vegetable Dip with Baked Pita Crisps Pita Crisps: 1 1/2 pita breads (6 inch size) 2 tsps canola oil or butter, melted 1 tsp dried basil leaves 2 TBSPS grated Parmesan cheese Dip 1 Medium Zucchini, Sliced (2 cups) 1 Medium red onion, thinly sliced 1 Medium red bell pepper, sliced 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 Medium yellow summer squash, sliced (1 ½ cups) Cooking spray 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp ground red pepper (cayenne) Directions: Heat oven to 375°F. Split pita in half (making 2 rounds each). Lightly brush oil over pita rounds. Sprinkle with basil and cheese. Cut each round into 8 wedges. Place on 2 ungreased cookie sheets in single layer. Bake uncovered for 6-8 minutes or until light brown. Crisps can be served warm or cool. Increase over temperature to 400°F. Spread zucchini, yellow squash, bell pepper, onion and garlic in ungreased cookie sheet. Spray vegetables with cooking sprayand sprinkle with salt and red pepper. Bake about 30 minutes, turning vegetables once, until tender and lightly browned. Place vegetables in blender or food processor, cover and blend on high speed about 1 minute until smooth. Serve dip immediately, or chill in refrigerate. Serve with pita chips.