Lefse Recipe

Military Coupon Savings


Name: Kirsten Cox
Base: Columbus AFB MS
Recipe: Lefse ( Scandinavian Flatbread ) 3 Cups cold Mashed Potatoes 1 ½ Cups Flour 3 Tablespoons Oil 1 Teaspoon Sugar 1 Teaspoon Salt Peal and cook potatoes; drain and mash while warm. In a bowl, add the oil, sugar, and salt to the potatoes. When cool, add the flour and mix well. Let the dough stand covered in the refrigerator for 2 hours. On a floured surface, roll out the dough very thin and cut it into a circle about 6 inches in diameter. Place the rounds at least 1 inch apart on a griddle (450 degrees). Turn when it starts to bubble and brown on one side. Fold as you take off the griddle. When cool, store in a baggie in the refrigerator. Best served with butter and sugar but you can also fill it with jam, meat and cheese.