Rice Paper Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Rice Paper

Name: Ma. Delara Hunt
Base: Guam
Recipe: Rice paper wrapper hreded carrots avocado, any cooked chicken / grill fish/or imitation crab/ left over meat.( Your choice) lettuce and or Romain cabbage sheded cucumber with or without skin any sauce you prepare like sweet and sour ready made sauce. peanut sauce that you can buy at the grocery or italian dressing from craft. Get a plate and put a little clean water and soak the rice wrapper for couple of seconds until you feel that the wrapper is getting soft and ready to roll. Put the wrapper in a clean plate and start putting the lettuce or romain lettuce on top of the wrapper ( make sure you have a big piece of the lettuce to cover all the ingredients. Then put the carrots,cucumber, avocado,cooked chicken, imitation crab, grill fish or left over meat. And start rolling it to fold. Fold both sides of the wrapper then roll it and keep it tight and intact. Ready to eat with the sauce you choose.