Amazing Sugar Free Pecan Pie Recipe

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Amazing Sugar Free Pecan Pie

Name: brandi thomas
Recipe: The amazing thing about this pie is that it’s sugar-free! The ingredient list is specific, and substitutions won’t work. To make this pie you must have Joseph’s Sugar Free Maple Syrup, which can be ordered on our website. When I tried to make this recipe using other brands of sugar-free syrup, the custard became muddy and quite frankly, tasted awful. The Joseph’s syrup is very thick, and that makes a huge difference. Even though this pie is sweet, it doesn’t have any sugar to act as a preservative and must be kept in the refrigerator, or it will spoil. 3 large eggs ¾ cup Splenda Granular Pinch of table salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 tablespoons salted butter, melted ¾ cup Joseph’s Sugar Free Maple syrup ½ cup chopped pecans, plus 10 halves One 9-inch homemade unbaked pie shell, not deep dish Whipped cream sweetened with Splenda Preheat the oven to 350°F. Beat the eggs in a large bowl until well blended and stir in the Splenda, salt, vanilla, butter, and syrup. Mix in the chopped pecans and pour the filling into the pie crust. Arrange the pecan halves evenly on the custard and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the sides are set but the center is still a bit soft. Serve in small wedges with Splenda-sweetened whipped cream. Serves 10 Full serving: Calories 171, fat 14.5gr, carbs 7.5gr, protein 3gr