Potato Herb Roll Recipe

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Potato Herb Roll

Name: Nathalie Alcantara
Base: Fort Eustis
Recipe: 400 grams potato 1 tablespoon potato flour (corn starch) 2 tablespoons flour 1 egg yolk salt, nutmeg 50 grams of fresh herbs chopped Wash, cook, peel and mash the potatoes. Sprinkle a little flour on the working desk. Roll out the potato dough with the rolling pin but not too thin. Place the chopped herbs on the potato dough, roll up the dough. Wrap the roll into a cloth (e.i. kitchen towel). Place the roll into a pot with boiling water and let it boil for 20 minutes. Take it out, let it cool down and remove the cloth. Cut the roll in thumb thick slices, fry both sides of the slice in oil. It is delicious with Züricher Geschnetzeltes or pork roast.