Lucy's Chicken Recipe

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Lucy's Chicken

Name: Margie Rooney
Base: NASJRB Fort Worth
Recipe: Preheat oven: 425 Cooking time: Approx 45-60 minutes One package chicken bone-in breasts w/skin(as many as you want) 4 medium potatoes cut in round slices 1 large onion cut in half of round slices oregano (dry) salt garlic powder olive oil Rub chicken with olive oil Sprinkle oregano, garlic, and salt on both sides Take cut potatoes and onions and put in bowl and mix with some olive oil, salt, garlic, and oregano. It's best to mix w/your hands. It coats better. Put chicken in center of large baking pan (sometimes I use the aluminum ones from the store) and spread potatoes & onions around the chicken. Bake for 45-60 minutes. I like the skin crispy so I tend to be more at the 60 minute mark. If you want to change it up a little, the next time squeeze a fresh lemon on the chicken before you bake it! Enjoy!