super easy cubans Recipe

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super easy cubans

Name: Aimee S.
Base: Camp Lejeune
Recipe: any kind of hoagie type rolls just use soft ones any kind of lunchmeat (I like ham and chicken breast) pickles (the long thin slices work the best) 2tbl mustard 2tbl mayonnaise dash hot sauce cheese slices- provolone is good soft butter mix the mayo, mustard and hot sauce in a little bowl. Get a skillet hot and get another heavy skillet out but not hot(you will use this to weigh down the top)cut the rolls in half long ways and butter the insides. This is the weird part put the butter side down and spread some of the mayo mixture on the outsides of the roll put the cheese, lunchmeat and pickles and top with more cheese. Put the top on and stick it in the hot pan. So the outsides of the roll are on the insides. put the other pan on top and weigh it down. when the sandwiches are brown and crunchy on one side flip them and weigh it down until the other side is done, cut in half and enjoy!