Venison w/out Wild Game Taste Recipe

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Venison w/out Wild Game Taste

Name: Clay Carr
Base: Fort Sam Houston
Recipe: Take any amount of venison. (recommend using backstrap or tenderloin). Put light to medium amount of Garlic Salt (remember to use garlic SALT not powder) on the cut areas (cut 1 1/2 inches thick) of the steak. Wrap the outer areas with thick cut bacon (just like filet mignon). Use metal toothpick to secure bacon to side. Roll entire piece in instant or freeze dried coffee (your choice of brand). Place on large deep dish cookie sheet. The coffee and garlic salt will have a chemical reaction producing a thick black sauce. Soon as this starts forming place steaks on grill (or broiler) (I prefer grill). Grill about 5 minutes on each side under low to medium heat. Low heat for a little longer period produces the best results. Results yeild venison without the wild game taste and if prepared properly no one can tell the difference between this and a good filet mignon. Steaks will have a crusty piece of the coffee/salt mix on them which can be easily removed. Once removed you will not taste the coffee or the garlic salt. Season as you do for any good beef steak. BBQ Sauce is a favorite of my 15 y/o son to add when done. This has been served to people without their knowledge that it waws venison after they had stated they do not like venison and would not eat it because of the wild game taste. They stated they loved it and it was some of the best steak they ever had. Told them it was venison and they would not believe me until I showed them some that was prepared but not cooked. Best I ever had to. This receipe was given to me by Mr. Timothy Morris, U.S. Navy, Retired. (best receipe I have ever received). Enjoy your Venison (lower collesteral)and fat than beef.