Cherry Nut Cake Recipe

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Cherry Nut Cake

Name: Narda Young
Base: Scott AFB
Recipe: 1- 1/2 cups sugar 1 jar of cherries 1/2 cup shortening, cream well 3 beaten egg whites (last ) 2- 1/2 cups cake flour 1/2 cup chopped nuts 3 tsp. baking powder Cream sugar and shortening well. Measure flour, add baking powder (sift 3 times ) Drain your cherry juice into measuring cup and fill the cup with sweet milk as to make ONE CUP of liquid. Chop 1/2 cup nuts and cut the cherries into small pieces and add to flour, alternating with liquid. Fold in beaten egg whites ( last of all ) Bake in greased 2-- 9 inch pans 350 degrees 20 to 30 minuets. Frost with 7 minute frosting and put chopped nuts on top. Taken from old 1900-1930's cook book