Military Coupon Savings


Name: patti osteen
Base: retired
Recipe: BEEF STUFFED MUSHROOMS ************************* Makes 18 appetizers ************************ 18-large fresh mushrooms, 1-teaspoon oil, 1/4-cup finely chopped onion, 1/4- pound extra lean ground beef, 2- teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, 1-teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2-teaspoon salt, 1/4-cup grated lowfat cheddar cheese, ****************************************Remove stems from mushrooms and chop stems finely; set aside. Heat oil in a large skillet. Cook onion and ground beef until lightly browned. Break up beef chunks until mixture is very fine, otherwise the stuffing tends to fall out of the mushrooms! Add the chopped mushroom stems, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and salt to onion-beef mixture and cook five minutes. Stuff mixture into mushroom caps. Sprinkle with cheese. This much can be done ahead and mushrooms set on broiler pan. Just before serving, preheat broiler and broil caps about 3 minutes. Serve hot with lots of napkins!