Coffee Tortoni with Kahlua Dessert Recipe

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Coffee Tortoni with Kahlua Dessert

Name: Crystal Veillette
Base: Fort Campbell, KY
Recipe: 3 egg whites, room temperature 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar, divided 2 cups heavy cream 1/2 cup cold, strongly brewed coffee divided 2 tablespoons Kahlua liqueur 1 cup toasted slivered almonds, divided Coffee granules for garnish, optional Chocolate Ganache (recipe below)

Chocolate Ganache (can be made 2 weeks in advance) 2 tablespoons heavy cream 1-1/2 teaspoons corn syrup 1-1/2 ounces semi-sweet Baker's chocolate Combine ingredients in small saucepan over low heat stirring until chocolate melts. Pour into a plastic squeeze bottle. Wine Suggestion: Late Harvest Zinfandel

In a mixing bowl beat egg whites and cream of tartar to soft peaks, gradually add 1/2 cup sugar beating to stiff peaks. In another mixing bowl beat cream with remaining 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup cold coffee to stiff peaks. On low speed add remaining 1/4 cup cold coffee, Kahlua liqueur and 1/2 cup toasted almonds.

Fold into beaten egg whites; spoon into an 8-inch spring form pan, sprinkle with remaining toasted almonds and coffee granules. Cover with plastic wrap or foil. Wrap base of pan with foil (the tortoni will weep slightly). Freeze overnight. Decorate with chocolate ganache and return to freezer. At serving time cut into wedges, decorate plates with more chocolate ganache and serve.