Elephant Ears Recipe

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Elephant Ears

Name: patti osteen
Base: retired
Recipe: Elephant Ears ************************************************************This recipe was in our morning paper. I thought it looked easy and oh so good. It was in Heloise. ************************************************************1/2- cup cinnamon 1-cup white sugar, 1-can cinnamon rolls(buns, found in dairy case in your grocery store) ************************************************************Preheat the over to 375 degrees. Mix the cinnamon and sugar together, then spread it evenly on a sheet of foil or wax paper. Take one bun and lay it on the sugar/cinnamon mixture. Use a rolling pin to roll each bun out, turning often so the dough absorbs as much sugar and cinnamon as possible. You want about a 6 to 8 inch circle. Place on foil-lined cookie sheets(only three "ears" might fit on each sheet) bake on center rack or as close to the center as possible. Check often so they don't scorch or overbake-they are very thin. Doesnt say how long to cook, I would check after about 5 minutes and then every couple minutes till bottoms are browned. Sprinkle with powered sugar if desired.