Strawberry Pizza Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Strawberry Pizza

Name: patti osteen
Base: retired
Recipe: Strawberry Pizza *********************************************************** Crust: 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 1-stick maragarine, 1/4-cup brown sugar, 1/2-cup chopped nuts, Mix all ingredients to form a dough. Spread in a pizza pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. *********************************************************** Filling: *********************************************************** 1-8 oz. package cream cheese, 3/4-cup confectioners' sugar, 1-8 oz. tubcoolwhip, *********************************************************** Mix cream cheese and confectioners' sugar. Fold in cool whip. Spread over cooled crust. *********************************************************** Topping: *********************************************************** Strawberry glaze, the red gel like product sold in stores for strawberry pies, usually near the strawberries in the produce dept. 4-cups ripe strawberries. Mix the strawberries into the strawberry glaze and spread over the cream cheese filling. Refrigerate untio ready to serve.