Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

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Chicken Pot Pie

Name: Lydia Fisher
Base: ft.campbell
Recipe: you will need 1 chicken breast,one can of veg all mixed veggies, 1 packet of checken gravy, half a small onion, one ready made pie crust, a regular size glass pie pan, 1 tablespoon baking powder, and 1/3 of water. First cut your chicken breast into small pieces and cook thouroly on medium heat. cut your onion half in to small pieces then add to cooked chicken. once the onion has become translusant take out of the panand put to the side. in your messuraning cup add 1/3 of water and juice from the can of veggies. pour in to skillet then add chicken gravy and one tablespoon of backing powder.whisk together until it bubbles, then remove from heat. put the veggies in to pie pan then evenly put the chicken and onion. pour gravy over top then cover with the ready made pie crust and fold edges in. finally bake for roughly 20 to 25 minutes until crust is golder brown. serves 3 to 4