Macao Style Chicken Recipe

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Macao Style Chicken

Name: lin Bogusky
Base: Little Rock AFB
Recipe: (Macao is an Island near HongKong and the local cuisine is influenced by portugalby since the history reason.) 1 whole chicken cut into 10 pieces. 1 cup of heavy cream, 2 tbsp tumeric powder, 1/4 cup white wine, each 1 tsp salt and pepper,1 tbsp soy sauce or maggie sauce, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 5 thin sliced ginger, 1 can of cremy mushroom soup,1 large cubed potato and 1 large sliced onoin. Combine chicken with salt and pepper,wine,tumeric powder, soy sauce and sugar together to marinade for about 10 mins. Heat the frying pan to medium high heat then add 1 tbsp oil. Add the sliced ginger for 1min and then add the chicken for about 7 mins until the meat is cooked. Transfer chicken to a large boiler and then add potato,onoin, cream, creamy mushroom soup to keep cooking for 3 mins. Transfer everything into a oven dish . Preheat oven to 420F and bake for about 7 to 10 mins.