Authentic Satay Chicken Recipe

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Authentic Satay Chicken

Name: lin Bogusky
Base: Little Rock AF base
Recipe: Ingredients: 1. 2 picecs of boneless chicken breast 2. 1 piece fresh lemongrass(available in Asian market) 3. 5 slices of Thai style ginger (glanga) 4. 1/2 tbsp of tumeric powder 5. 1 tbsp of curry powder 6. 1 tbsp of brown sugar 7. 1 tsp of salt 8. 1/4 cup of cooking wine 9. 3tbsp of vegetable oil 10. 2tbsp of peanut butter Make for 4 servings: 1.Cut the chicken breast meat as you like for your kebab 2.add 1cup of the water into blender and add 2 and 3 to blend untill smooth then strain the water and keep the mixture. 3. Marinade chicken with mixture and add 4 to 8 ingredients for 30 mins. 4. Put the meat on the stick and ready to grill for 15 mins (low heat). 5. Heat the remaining marinade sauce with the water and peanut butter on a sauce pan then put it in a bowl as the dipping sauce.