Irish Egg Rolls. Recipe

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Irish Egg Rolls.

Recipe: 4 ounces chopped corned beef. 1 cup shredded steamed cabbage. 1 cup diced cooked potatoes. 1 cup shredded carrot. 1/2 cup thinly sliced onion. seasalt and cracked black pepper to taste. 8(7 inch square)egg roll wrappers. 1 1/2 quarts of Wesson or any cooking oil for deep frying. Heat oil in a deep-fryer to 375F. In a medium bowl mix together the chopped corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrot, and onion. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Lay the egg roll wrappers out on a clean dry surface a few at a time. Place about 1/2 cup of the mixture into the center of each wrap. Roll up into logs according to the directions on the package. Wet the edge with water to seal. Fry rolls a few at a time, turning when necessary for about 5 minutes or until golden. Remove from hot oil to drain on paper towels. Makes 8 servings.