Beef and Cabbage Wraps. Recipe

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Beef and Cabbage Wraps.

Recipe: 8(8-inch)flour tortillas. 3/4 pound lean ground beef, cooked & drained. 1/2 cup chopped red or green onion. 2 cups packaged shredded cabbge with carrot*(coleslaw mix.) 1 cup frozen whole kernel corn. 1/4 cup bottled barbecue or hoisin sauce. 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil. cracked black pepper & seasalt for taste. Stack tortillas and wrap in foil. Heat in a 350F oven for 10 minutes to soften. In a large skillet, cook ground beef,pepper,seasalt and onion until meat is brown,drain well. Stir in cabbage mix and corn. Cover and cook about 4 minutes or until vegetables are tender,stirring once. Stir in barbecue sauce or hoisin sauce,sesame oil. Cook and stir until heated through. Spoon 1/2 cup filling onto each tortilla center. Fold bottom edge up and over filling. Fold opposite sides in just until they meet,roll up from bottom. If desired, serve with additional barbecue or hoisin sauce. Makes 4 servings.