30 Minute Lasagna Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

30 Minute Lasagna

Name: Krystal Barreira
Base: 11kk1980
Recipe: 1 1/2 lb. Hamburger 1 Medium onion 8 oz can of mushrooms 1 Jar of Spaghetti Sauce (any kind will do about 32 oz.) 1 Container of Sourcream (24 oz.) 1 1/2 blocks of Cream Cheese (12 oz. softened) 12 Lasagna Noodles (cook according to directions on box) 1 Bag of Mozzarella Cheese (Use as much or as little as you want, we're cheese lovers so we use a lot) Put oven on Broil. Cook the 12 Lasagna noodles according to directions on box. Mix Cream cheese and sour cream together. Fry hamburger, mushrooms, and onion together and drain. Stir sauce and hamburger mixture together and just heat it up together on the stove. In a pan layer 6 noodles on the bottom, then spread half of the sour cream/cream cheese mixture on the noodles, and then spread half of the sauce/hamburger mixture and repeat. Top with as much Mozzarella cheese as you wish, put in oven, and cook until cheese is melted or as brown as you like it (we like it pretty brown and it only takes a few minutes, so watch it carefully.