Easy Cheesy Baked Cheese Cake Recipe

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Easy Cheesy Baked Cheese Cake

Name: Kanako Black
Base: Ft Campbell
Recipe: Graham Cracker Crust Pie Shell....1 Cottage Cheese....2 cup Cream Cheese....1/2 cup (soften) Egg White....3egg York.....3egg Sugar....1 cup (1/3 &2/3) Flour....6 table spoon Butter....4 table spoon 1.Mix Butter and Sugar (1/3) well. 2.Add York. (slowly) 3.Add Cottage cheese and Cream cheese. Mix well. 4.Add Flour. and Mix well. 5.Make Meringue...Egg White and Sugar(2/3) 6.Pour Meringue into #4 and Mix well. 7.Pour into the Shell. 8.Bake 325F for 60min. *To check. push toothpick in center of cake, if nothing sticks to toothpick. it is done! If still sticks, Not Yet! cook additional 10 or 15min. 9.Cool down for an hour then place in the refrigerator. Best to serve is Next Day. (but you can serve anytime you want. this is always good!)