Mexican Rice Recipe

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Mexican Rice

Name: vanessa sanchez
Base: Fort Bragg
Recipe: What you need: -*white rice(Any brand is good) -2 cups of water -3 tsp of chicken flavor bouillon -1 can of tomatoe sauce -half a cup of vegi. oil Now you need to have a small deep pot with lead. You turn your'e stove to Med. Pour your'e vegi. oil in the pot. Wait for a few minutes for it to get hot. Then get your'e rice into the pot and brown it. Cook it in till it gets a nice gold brown, not dark brown! Once it's the color you want, turn down your'e stove to low or 2. Make sure you have all your'e other things ready. You need to do this part fast. BE WARE: when you pour your'e tomatoe sauce it will steam very high!!! Now the stove is on low, your'e rice is brown, gold brown. Pour a little more then half of the tomatoe sauce can, into the pot and mix it around. Pour your chicken bouillon into the pot and mix. Then comes the water. NOW LISTEN: your'e water you just want to cover the rice. Don't pour all two cups. Just intill you can't see the rice any more! DON"T mix the rice whille it is cooking and after it is done. Just surve! You will see tomatoe sauce on the side of the pot! JUST SURVE!!!! And enjoy! *2 cups i cook for my family of four. So 3 cups if you eat a lot of on! The more rice more tomatoe sauce,chicken bouillon.....