Beef, Tomatoe and Vegetable Soup Recipe

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Beef, Tomatoe and Vegetable Soup

Name: Shelley Nicks
Base: Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
Recipe: 2 pounds beef soup bones 1 28oz can tomatoes, chopped with juice 4 small white potatoes, cubed 1 small onion chopped 2 garlic cloves chopped 2 celery stalks chopped 1 16oz bag mixed vegetables Boil two pounds of beef soup bones until meat is tender and can be pulled off the bones. You will have to skim off the foam as the soup bones cook but save the broth, this will be a part of the soup stock. Pull meat from the bones and put it back in beef broth. In a separate skillet saute onion, garlic, celery and potatoes in oil of your choice, for about three minutes. Add onion, garlic, celery and potatoe mixture along with mixed vegetables, and canned tomatoes, to the beef and broth and cook until potatoes are tender. Excellent with french bread and you may add a salad if you like.